Don’t fucking tell me how many Jews work in the Biden administration.

I will say it again, and ethnically Jewish person sufficiently Progressive to be put in a position of authority in the Biden administration isn’t a believing or practicing Jew at all.

What the Biden administration is made up of is Progressives and Progressives hate Israel.

On Biden’s inauguration day, this happened.


Gaza is a self-governing, autonomous political entity.

The West Bank is complicated. It was captured by Jordan in the Israeli war of independencein 1948, which lost it as part of their defeat in 1967 during the Six-Day war.  Then it was declared Palestinian territory by the Oslo Accords but isn’t self-governing.  Israel maintains that it won it fair and square after 1967.

For the Biden administration to have an ambassador to Israel, Gaza, and the West Bank wold have been like Jimmy Carter appointing an ambassador to East and West Germany, but worse.

It is a disgusting thumb in the eye to Israel, which is exactly what Obama did for eight years.

This is more proof that Biden is the third Obama term with even more Anti-Israel Progressivism.


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By J. Kb

8 thoughts on “The Anti-Israel mask slips off the Biden Administration”
  1. It is just as much a thumb in the eye of President Trump.

    In fact, pretty much every one of the 17 actions on his first day are outright attempts to destroy President Trump’s legacy. Seriously, stopping drilling in ANWR? Meaningless. No oil company has mobilized into ANWR yet, and whatever expenses they incurred getting the leases will be reimbursed to them as damages.

    It is petty, childish, and mimics the rest of the dems attempts to delete Trump from history.

  2. How much more BS will Israel put up with? When the Obama/Harris/Biden administration reinstates the Iran Nuclear “Deal” with even more concessions on our part, will the Israelis nuke the Iranian nuclear sites? I don’t see Israel allowing Iran to get nukes.

  3. Sadly, the majority of the Reform Jewish movement seems more inclined to worship the State (and Progressivism) rather than G-d.

    That is why I switched to a Conservative synagogue when that option was available. Here in central NH, the Reform option is what’s in the area. Sad.

    1. I know some Christians worship in their homes when no acceptable church can be found nearby. Is that sort of thing an option for Conservative or Orthodox Jews?

      1. @pmoning Yes, that is appropriate for prayers that don’t involve the Torah (aka Old Testament), which requires a minyan (10 adults).

        For me, though, that’s not what does it for me. The music of the prayers as sung by a group in the sanctuary has its own energy that just isn’t matched by solo prayer.

        Reasonable question and thought. Thanks.

        1. So I take it there aren’t enough like-minded Jews nearby to make a minyan, and one with the ability to be a cantor? That is indeed unfortunate.
          I certainly understand your point. The sounds of hymns in a Christian service have an energy like that, too. (There’s a reason why some of the most famous and most enduring classical music is liturgic music.)

  4. I hope the US Ambassador takes a long vehicle tour of Gaza on a regular basis. They can see how wonderful it is under Hamas misrule.

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