This is an opinion article in The New York Times:

Racists Are Recruiting. Watch Your White Sons.
Parents need to understand how white supremacists prey on teen boys, so they can intervene.

I want to curb the expansion of white supremacists and white nationalists in America as much as anybody.

The problem is that The New York Times, and opinions like this, are not curbing that expansion, but adding to it.

Raising teenagers can be terrifying. Our squishy little babies become awkward hormonal creatures who question our authority at every turn.

I expected that. What I didn’t predict was that my sons’ adolescence would include being drawn to the kind of online content that right-wing extremists use to recruit so many young men.

The first rule that needs to be understood is that extremism begets extremism.

The intensity of the rebellion is proportional to the intensity of the oppression.  I know this sounds sexist, but the stereotype of the goody-two-shoes Catholic School girl who was totally repressed in high school but becomes the town bike in college exists for a reason.  Coming from a small, Episcopalian private school myself, I’ve seen it with my own eyes.

If you are worried that your sons are going to be suckered into Right-wing extremism, that is a sign that you have been pushing Left-wing extremism on them.

The first sign was a seemingly innocuous word, used lightheartedly: “triggered.”

As my 11- and 14-year-old sons and their friends talked and bantered — phones in hand, as always — in the back seat of the car, one of them shouted it in response to a meme, and they all laughed uproariously.

I almost lost control of the car. That’s because I know that word — often used to mock people who are hurt or offended by racism as overly sensitive — is a calling card of the alt-right, which the Anti-Defamation League defines as “a segment of the white supremacist movement consisting of a loose network of racists and anti-Semites who reject mainstream conservatism in favor of politics that embrace implicit or explicit racism, anti-Semitism and white supremacy.” People associated with this group are known for trolling those who disagree with them, and calling critics “triggered” is a favorite tactic.

So mom got triggered at hearing her sons joke about people getting triggered.  That seems like prima facie evidence that she is part of the problem.

It’s not just the alt-right who mock the idea of triggering.  It’s many people who mock the idea of engineered hypersensitivity.

The New Yorker covered how triggering and trigger warnings made is impossible for law school professors to teach rape law, going so far as to say that the word “violate” was triggering and should be avoided.  That is a serious problem that will damage young lawyers and hurt their clients.

At a time when the F.B.I. reports a 17 percent rise in hate crime incidents from 2016 to 2017, the most recent year for which there is data, white parents like me have had recent, terrifying reminders that we must prevent our sons from becoming indoctrinated by a growing racist movement that thrives online and causes real-life devastation.

In August, a young white man who admitted to targeting Mexicans killed 22 people in an El Paso Walmart. In New Zealand, 51 people were killed when a gunman attacked mosques filled with worshipers observing Friday prayers. In the past year, a total of 12 worshipers were killed in the U.S. in two hate-motivated attacks on synagogues in Pittsburgh and San Diego.

In each of these cases, the killers were white men with a history of extremism. The San Diego gunman, for instance, left a manifesto on 8chan also claiming responsibility for a mosque fire. And the San Diego and New Zealand gunmen posted hate-filled online manifestoes that included internet-culture references, such as references to memes and a notorious shout-out to a noteworthy YouTube personality. Both of them mentioned or alluded to the “white genocide” — which the Anti-Defamation League defines as the white-supremacist belief that the white race is “dying” because of growing nonwhite populations and “forced assimilation.”

When I said that the Left was the alt-right and white supremacist’s best recruiting tool, I meant it.

Yes, the idea of “white genocide” is a conspiracy.

But it doesn’t help when a well-known professor from Drexel Tweeted out “all I want for Christmas is white genocide” and only after much backlash, placed him on leave.

This is not a lone example.   A popular SUNY professor wrote an OpEd that seeing homeless white people made him happy because he enjoyed seeing white people suffer.

The New York Times is publishing this OpEd.  That is the same New York Times that hired Sarah Jeong to their editorial board despite a history of anti-white racist Tweets.

White supremacists don’t need to create much out of whole cloth, they just need to take what the intersectional Left says and embellish it a little bit.

Unfortunately, extremists know how to find new recruits in the very place our sons spend so much of their time: online. And too often, they’re more aware than we are of how vulnerable young white men are to radicalization.

According to Jackson Katz, author of “The Macho Paradox: Why Some Men Hurt Women and How All Men Can Help,” it’s not necessarily the ideology behind white nationalism, anti-feminism or the alt-right that initially appeals to young white men and boys as much as it is the sense of being part of a “heroic struggle.”

Participating in the alt-right community online “offers the seductive feeling of being part of a brotherhood, which in turn validates their manhood,” Dr. Katz says. YouTubers and participants in chat forums like 4chan, the defunct 8chan and Discord “regularly denigrate liberal or progressive white men as soft, emasculated ‘soy boys’ and insufficiently aggressive or right-wing white men as ‘cucks.’”

Harvard, the kingmaker of academic institutions, published a paper titled “Abolish the White Race.”

I can’t think of a more heroic struggle than to stand up against genocide being advocated for by the most elite of the elite.

Harvard is giving the 8chan community ammunition and justification.

It also seems to me, as a mom, that these groups prey upon the natural awkwardness of adolescence. Many kids feel out of place, frustrated and misunderstood, and are vulnerable to the idea that someone else is responsible for their discontent. When they’re white and male, they’re spoon-fed a list of scapegoats: people of color, feminists, immigrants, L.G.B.T.Q. people. If they really embrace this, it’s not hard to convince them that there’s a “white genocide” happening and that these people — and the “leftists” who represent their interests — are to blame.

Maybe this mom should ask her sons how they feel knowing that there is a professor who has gained fame and fortune for writing a best selling book about how white people are emotionally fragile and closed-minded.

“The problem with white people,” she says, “is that they just don’t listen. In my experience, day in and day out, most white people are absolutely not receptive to finding out their impact on other people. There is a refusal to know or see, or to listen or hear, or to validate.”

DiAngelo says she encounters a lot of “certitude from white people – they insist ‘Well, it’s not me’, or say ‘I’m doing my best, what do you want from me?’ ”. She defines this as white fragility – the inability of white people to tolerate racial stress.

As I gather, white fragility is the desire of white people not to submit to a struggle session because progressives want to collectively punish them for their skin color.

Perhaps white teenage boys being told that they are racist because they are white, toxic because they are male, and fragile if they don’t want to accept that abuse are going to find an alternative viewpoint to glom onto, and the opposite of anti-white progressivism is white supremacism.

So what can parents do? First, we need to understand how this works.

A favorite activity for many boys is to watch gamers playing video games on YouTube. According to John Duffy, author of “Parenting the New Teen in the Age of Anxiety,” the problems come with advertisements that may appear during the videos. Kids can be exposed to dozens of ads in a sitting. They might hear about the border, or “Crooked Hillary” or a conspiracy theory on how the left works, Dr. Duffy said. Many of these spots are created and promoted by organizations like PragerU, which, Dr. Duffy notes, is not an accredited university but a propaganda machine that introduces viewers to extremist views via video. And YouTube’s recommendation algorithm offers videos that become more and more extreme as viewers watch them.

Fuckin’ Jeeubz…

Prager U has never claimed to be an accredited university.  It is a YouTube channel created by Dennis Prager.  The Jewish conservative talk show host and author.

Dennis Prager is about as anodyne as conservativism can get and still be conservative.  Most of his videos are lessons in classical conservative and family values and history showing the positives of America.

When Prager U is denounced as propaganda that opens the door to white supremacism, you know the author is far, far Left.

They may also find videos by more mainstream figures, including members of the so-called intellectual dark web like Jordan Peterson, a Canadian psychologist and professor at the University of Toronto, whose conservative perspectives on feminism and gender are very popular among young men and often are a path to more extreme content and ideologies.

Jordan Peterson, the Canadian classical liberal who wrote a self-help book for young men.

I guarantee this mom could hear “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall” coming from her son’s computer and think he’s watching a Hitler video.

Maybe the reason this woman’s sons want to watch Jordan Peterson is that they have seen the video of the Oak Park city trustee at a city council meeting yelling at white men to “shut up” telling them they are not allowed to have opinions.

Inevitably, kids who have encountered these messages will mimic extremist talking points, and those of us who find these views repulsive may be tempted to yell at them, ground them or take away their devices in a futile attempt to keep them away from this propaganda.

The problem is, punitive responses often create a sense of shame that can feed a growing sense of anger — an anger the alt-right is eager to exploit.

What really hooks many white teenagers is the alt-right’s insistence that white men are under attack in America, the true victims of oppression. If your child has already been punished for his opinions, this message is especially resonant. They find a home for their rage, a brotherhood of guys like them, and that oh-so-alluring heroic struggle — and that’s how an extremist is born.

I wonder if this mom goes to the Yoga studio that teaches “undoing whiteness.”

Perhaps the reason the alt-right and white supremacists are so good at recruiting white boys with the message that “white men are under attack in America is that is the rhetoric that comes out of the Progressive Left?

Parents also need to encourage our sons how to think critically about the things they’re hearing online. One term I’ve debunked in this way for my kids is “snowflake.” An insult embraced by moderate conservatives and the alt-right alike, it’s used to dismiss people who complain about racism, sexism or homophobia as laughably delicate.

When one of my kids used it, I smiled and, in a conspiratorial tone, asked him to think about this: Who is more of a delicate snowflake? The person who wants people to stop racial slurs or mocking of gay people or the person who is upset and offended by the use of the phrase “Happy Holidays” — a common talking point during Fox News’s infamous War on Christmas segments?

Ah yes “Republicans are the real snowflakes” is a great way to stop your kid from using that term.

Parents of white kids need to talk about race and racism and how they’ve played out in this country — a lot. That history includes horrors and tragedies, but as Dr. Tochluk says, it also “includes the fact that there have always been groups of white people in the United States who have fought for freedom and liberty for all.”

“In our choices and actions,” she says, “white people can align ourselves with that lineage.”

No, they fucking don’t.  Making white kids think about race all the time, then making them feel guilty because of their race and the horrors committed by other white people in the past is part of the problem.

Dr. Katz suggested, “To counteract the seductiveness of that appeal from the right, we need to offer them a better definition of strength: that true strength resides in respecting and lifting up others, not seeking to dominate them.”

“Strength through groveling and self-abasement.”

I’m working hard to instill these values in my kids. But keeping them away from the radical right is a continuing project for me and should be for any parent. I have confidence that they’re more equipped than they were a year ago to detect and reject hateful messages, but in the meantime, every time they laugh at a so-called edgy meme, I’m going to make it my mission to find out what’s so funny.

Woke scold mom has to woke scold.

I’ve adopted enough absed dogs to know this.  When a dog is abused one of two things happens to it.  It becomes a coward, scared of every human, crawling on its belly, or it becomes vicious and attacks every person it sees.

The Intersectional Woke-Left’s, well documented, constant attack of white people and masculinity is nothing short of emotional abuse.

The white males who receive it either become obsequious cowards or as they are known in the Intersectional community, “allies.”  Or they become vicious and turn into white supremacists.

The rise of the white supremacist alt-right parallels the rise of the Intersectional Woke-Left perfectly.  This new white supremacism is the backlash to the rise of the anti-white racist academic/pseudointellectual progressive Left.

If the Left was really interested in fighting the alt-right and white supremacism, they would tell the radicals in their midsts to “shut the fuck up.”

Because every time some six-figure salary professor goes on MSNBC to explain how white people are privileged and need to “unpack their knapsack” and pay reparations, some young white man who grew up in poverty in a dead rust-belt town, where the jobs disappeared when the factory was outsourced to China and has never known anything but watching a family desperately try – and fail – to make ends meet, joins the alt-right.

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By J. Kb

15 thoughts on “The blind spot in this NYT Opinion is that the Left is the Alt-Right’s best recruiting tool”
  1. I grew up in a place, where due to harsh sun, poverty and predominantly outdoor occupations the (visible) skin of majority of people around me, including my family, was different shades of brown. Due to centuries of inetermarriage between people of various nationalities of Euro and Asian origins, the vast majority looked a mixture of both races. To figure out one’s nationality, one had to either hear, what language they spoke at home, or ask. Even now, after decades in the US, if I see Euro origin features, with rare exceptions, the person is Euro to me. The majority of people in the US who identify as blacks are not black in my poor brain. And I cannot tell Hispanics by sight at all. It is extremely socially awkward. And now, with the growing violent PC tendencies, it is becoming extremely irritating. Why should I care about somebody’s melanin content? Never did. Don’t want to.

    1. At least “euro” and “asian” can be defined in (mostly) objective and falsifiable terms. I say “mostly” because there’s still some debate over whether or not it should be considered one Eurasian continent or separate European and Asian continents… But generally speaking, outside of a few hardcore geography nerds, almost everyone can define Europe and Asia objectively. So someone from Europe is “euro,” someone from Asian is “asian.”

      Certainly a much better system of categorization that “white, brown, black, yellow.”

      It’s still stupid to use such a system to make decisions about how to treat people, but it’s ever so slightly less stupid.

  2. Yes “hate crimes” are rising. What this “opinion” doesnt tell you is its BLACK/BROWN against WHITES. All because of crap like this and dems hate white people campaine. Wait till Nov next year when Trumpy wins….

    1. Or are hate crimes on the rise because more and more protected class laws are being passed every year.

      Last year it was only an altercation between a white male and a ______ that rose to the level or a hate crime. Now, if a white male and a _______ or a ________ or a _________, or a _________, oh and do not forget the ________, get into an altercation, it is considered a hate crime.

      Seriously, I think my municipality is considering making it a hate crime if someone who prefers boxers gets into a fight with a brief kind of guy.

  3. I think there is also a lot of conflation with teenagers beinng edgey to be edgey and push the boundaries by doing and saying things they aren’t supposed to do or to purposefully annoy certain people with white supremacy, alt right, etc.

    I did a lot of shit as a teenager to push the envelope and be an edgey shithead because my eyes were opening to the ways of the world for the first time. I was rebelling against standards others set for me without my consent or input. I used to wear a bright red shirt with large yellow block letters of CCCP and a hammer and sickle underneath it purely to piss people off and see the reactions in there faces when they realized what I was wearing.

    I bet a lot of that is what is going on in the cases, and as you point out, if you are continually being told you are the problem and compelled to act a certain way because of that, how do you think kids are going to rebel and act out? Against that standard. Why do you think white middle class kids say the n word like it is going out of style still? Because there is such a taboo to it and if they can push those boundaries in their groups safely they will.

    Eventually, generally that gets tempered with age and experience but just like anything else about any other subject someone can become consumed by it and radicalized and technology only helps that by making it easier to suck in the same people who would fall into it anyways.

    That is to say, technology isn’t turning kids into white supremacists, it’s just making the ones who’d go that route go that way easier and sooner and making them much more visible.

    Forget about the fact that the same thing applies to everyone, white people aren’t the only people who know how to be racist or supremacists; you should hear some of the things I’ve heard Puerto Ricans say about black people and vice versa .

  4. I’d just like it if one of these “anti-white supremacy” academics or one of the supposed “white supremacy” stormfront types could answer one question I have: Could you please define “white” in objective, empirical, and falsifiable terms?

    I’ve been asking them this question for decades and no one ever seems to be able to answer.

  5. Wow…. where can I start???

    How about here: “When they’re white and male, they’re spoon-fed a list of scapegoats: people of color, feminists, immigrants, L.G.B.T.Q. people.”
    And… the far left does not have their own scapegoat? Everything is the fault of white people, right???? Oh, that’s not scapegoating, not when you do it.

    Curious. No mention whatsoever of a father. Went to the actual opinion piece and searched for father, got no results. Searched for fatherhood, got nothing. Searched for brother, and only got two results, both ‘brotherhood’. I think it was mainly because Joanna S. was quoting someone else. From what I can tell, her son has no adult male influences or guidance. Net result, he IS seeking that from somewhere. Maybe the problem is not the internet forums, it is her.

    “What really hooks many white teenagers is the alt-right’s insistence that white men are under attack in America, the true victims of oppression.”

    So, let me see if I have this right…. she spends three, four… pages doing nothing but bashing white men, and blaming them for everything that is not perfect in the world, and outright saying that she plans on preventing her son from being associated in any way with white men…. but the white men are out of line to claim they are being attacked? OK.. got it.

    It is funny with the folks on the left. They are so quick to point out everyone else’s fault, but are incapable of seeing their own. For whatever reason, they are convinced they are right, both factually and morally, therefore, their statements are above reproach.

    1. Just for sharts and grins, took a look. Apparently she is married. Numerous places include a bio, and she is a feminist, a wife, and a mother. Two boys, one girl. (Oh, look, she is a feminist first, and her family is listed second… Yeah for equality!)

      I will bet, every dollar in my wallet right now, that her husband is 100% on board with her blaming white men for all the worlds problems.

  6. When one of my kids used it, I smiled and, in a conspiratorial tone, asked him to think about this: Who is more of a delicate snowflake? The person who wants people to stop racial slurs or mocking of gay people or the person who is upset and offended by the use of the phrase “Happy Holidays” — a common talking point during Fox News’s infamous War on Christmas segments?

    I admit the use of the phrase “Happy Holidays” upsets me, but it’s not because I’m offended by “Happy Holidays”.

    It’s because “Happy Holidays” is the politically-correct replacement for the punishable phrases “Merry Christmas” and “Happy Hannukah”.

    “Happy Holidays” used to be a catch-all well-wishing during November and December. (Plus, “Have a gay Christma-Hannu-Kwanz-Ramada-Yule” gets tiring. 😉 )

    That’s all fine and dandy. However, what started as a well-meaning universal greeting has become the only acceptable phrase, all others being branded as “hate speech”.

    It’s that “hate speech” designation of all other holiday acknowledgements that upsets me, not the usage of “Happy Holidays”. When I can be punished for “carelessly” wishing someone a “Merry Christmas”, the First Amendment — freedom of both speech and religion — is well and truly dead letter.

    And I don’t believe I’m wrong to be upset about that.

  7. Interesting, the claim that “triggered” is an alt-right term of ridicule. The dishonesty is astounding. In fact, “triggered” is a term invented by the far left for the purpose of suppressing free speech. It has, fortunately, been made an object of scorn and ridicule, as was done with the slightly earlier term created for that same purpose, “politically correct”.
    The moral of the story: if you don’t want to be ridiculed, be respectful of our liberties. If you’re not, and all you get is ridicule, count your blessings — it means we aren’t what you claim we are.

    1. Speaking of scorn and ridicule… had heard my teen girl, “OMG! That dead possum on the side of the road is soooo racist. It is lying on its right side.”

  8. If I understand correctly (and there is a 75% chance I do not) the term “triggered” was used in the mental health world to describe the events that triggered autistic patients into a state of agitation.

    You are correct, the leftist precious snowflakes co-opted the word as an excuse to shelter themselves from thoughts and ideas they do not like.

  9. Of course they’re going towards the Alt-Right. The Left has been teaching white supremacist doctrine for decades- but it’s bad, mmmmkay.

    According to the radical left, the white race is the superman, the Blond Beast. His culture can effortlessly corrupt all others, his nation can effortlessly conquer and enslave others, his intellect is too high for others to aspire to, and his moral code is too difficult for others to follow.
    Even the fate of the planet is in his hands alone.

  10. The Plaintiff, mother of my children, is the grand daughter of a Romanian Jew. He escaped the (No Shit) Nazis shortly before they got around to remedying the Romanian Jewish “problem”.

    So something like 15 or so years ago, my kids were adolescents. One of their friends was interjecting the word “Jew” into his conversation every so often, and, from context, NOT as an honorific.

    I sat the boy down. I told him that, under Nazi race laws, my children were Jews, and likely would be sent, by cattlecar, to death camps, under a Nazi regime. Indeed, millions of Jews were, indeed, sent to their deaths, because they were Jews.

    I told him that, being an old (insert name of large, violent city here) street medic, I had seen what thoughtless violence could do to people.

    I told him that, perhaps, my family might be sent to the camps. But, I would do my very best to be certain that I was dead, first, and surrounded by the rotting cadavers of the scum who would harm my family. And, piles of spent brass.

    Lots and lots of spent brass.

    He (to his considerable credit) never employed that turn of phrase again within my earshot.

    And, per reports from my sons, has grown into a fine, respectful, hardworking young man.

    Oh. I am Anglo. Like, “trace lineage back to pre colonial, Massachusetts Bay Colony” Anglo. Like, family myth is one of ours came over on the Mayflower” Anglo.

    (Can I spit in a blog reply?) To her “white males are all without exception evil, and the source of all evil in the world” bullshit.

  11. The Plaintiff, mother of my children, is the grand daughter of a Romanian Jew. He escaped the (No Shit) Nazis shortly before they got around to remedying the Romanian Jewish “problem”.

    So something like 15 or so years ago, my kids were adolescents. One of their friends was interjecting the word “Jew” into his conversation every so often, and, from context, NOT as an honorific.

    I sat the boy down. I told him that, under Nazi race laws, my children were Jews, and likely would be sent, by cattlecar, to death camps, under a Nazi regime. Indeed, millions of Jews were, indeed, sent to their deaths, because they were Jews.

    I told him that, being an old (insert name of large, violent city here) street medic, I had seen what thoughtless violence could do to people.

    I told him that, perhaps, my family might be sent to the camps. But, I would do my very best to be certain that I was dead, first, and surrounded by the rotting cadavers of the scum who would harm my family. And, piles of spent brass.

    Lots and lots of spent brass.

    He (to his considerable credit) never employed that turn of phrase again within my earshot.

    And, per reports from my sons, has grown into a fine, respectful, hardworking young man.

Only one rule: Don't be a dick.

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