I guess by now you have seen the video of the family attacked by a gang of idiots riding motorcycles:

As stated in the news piece, we don’t know what was the original trigger of the situation, but the riders response was NOT the proper one.

It is unfortunate that SUVs nowadays are built with the consistency of aluminum foil bought at the Dollar Store, otherwise they could be properly used as battering ram to clear an attack like this. The latest and hottest SUV would probably seize after bumping the fifth biker and leave the owner at the mercy of the two-wheeled mob, but hey! It is good for the environment, right?

Anyway, this happened in New York where we have been assured by Mayor Bloomberg and our Betters that everybody is safe and the need for self-defense is just a crazy myth created by the NRA to sell more guns to kids in pre-school with the Eddie Eagle program. In the real world, this is an example for the need of Glock 18s and multiple 30 round magazines and a belt fed weapon in some sort of 30 caliber.

Or we can just cut to the chase and get the Dillon SUV:


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

23 thoughts on “The case for “high capacity” magazines, concealed carry and the end of the NFA.”
  1. I saw one a them in my local GMC showroom so I went in and placed an order.
    Ammo is extra….depends on what kind and how much you want.

    1. If you can find a store that has an Uzi 9mm, 45 caliber long slide, and a 12 gauge autoloader in stock….. call me.

  2. Oh, I would have such a nice car gun if I didn’t work on a freaking Air Force base….

      1. Military bases are federal property, just like a post office or federal courthouse, and you are generally not allowed to posses firearms.

  3. He hit a bike that was riding in front of him, knocking him down. The one video that is public (so far) doesn’t show why, but he deliberately ran over several riders and their bikes, who had stopped to render assistance to the downed rider. One is crippled and may die. The bikers followed until he got stuck in traffic, and proceeded to extract him from the SUV and beat on him. Why he decided to turn a traffic incident into assault with a deadly weapon is the real question.

    1. He hit a bike that was riding in front of him, knocking him down.

      Check again, the rider got in front and slowed down on purpose.

      who had stopped to render assistance to the downed rider.

      I know that is the narrative, but I am not buying.

      he deliberately ran over several riders and their bikes

      And if my family was being threatened, trust me I’d be playing pinball with them too.

          1. Yeh, my original response was supposed to be to Will’s comment but I clicked the wrong reply button. I got his comment and your reply switched. You and I agree. My remark should have been addressed to Will and not you.

    2. Miquel,

      You really need to watch the video. A rider pulled quickly in front of his vehicle and stopped to soon for him to react. He hit that bike but stopped. He was trying to do the right thing even though he was not at fault. The fellow riders began physically threatening him (maybe they believed he had caused the wreck). But he had to flee because instead of calmer heads prevailing and the leaders of the pack ensuring his safety, the riders began to threaten him and his family. At that point, he did what a man has to do to ensure the safety of his family.

      Watch the complete video. There is no sympathy for the riders in this incident. They caused a wreck, threatened an unarmed young family, chased him in traffic, and then beat him in front of his family leaving him for dead. They did not call the police and they did not call for an ambulance.

  4. I have a weirdo car gun: and M-17 bull pup in 5.56 x 45 which uses AR magazines (I would prefer 7.62 x 39 with AK magazines). It has a 21 inch barrel, which allows the 5.56 to get its proper velocity, with an overall length of 30 inches. It can be fired as a heavy (8 pounds plus) pistol because it’s well-balanced on the grip. It needs an auxiliary sight like a Red Dot. It’s solid black, so it has that going for it. Note: as supplied, trigger is terrible, but easily fixed.

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