If you do believe that requesting the FISA Warrant by knowingly use false and misguiding information and swearing to it to a judge to spy on a Presidential candidate and now President in order to get rid of him is not cause for starting to set fires to shit around D.C. please leave now.

Let me tell you a story. Let me introduce to you a now deceased President of Venezuela.

This is Carlos Andres Perez also called CAP with his blessing. CAP was President of Venezuela twice: from 1974 to 1979 and then again from 1989 to 1994. He was both loved by many but absolutely hated by the Left. We are talking assassination-level hate so much so that the 1992 coup de etat attempt by Hugo Chavez had the intention of executing him on the spot once captured (That is something the media always “forgot” to mention). The Coup attempt and the carnage that brought helped bring CAP’s popularity up and that the Left could not abide by so they turned to the assassination of his character.

One of the powers a Venezuelan President had was the Secret Presidential Account. This was basically a boatload of cash available only to the President to do with it what he wished without having to go through Congress or explain what he did with the money. Was that something ripe for the abuse? Well, you never know because only one instance of the monies was ever released to the public and it was against CAP. Never before and never after was any information about that account released so there was somebody deep inside the executive who betrayed the President. But now we need to move to another country to explain the beginning of the end.

Nicaragua 1989-1990. A country firmly in the hands of the Communists under the presidency of unindicted Criminal Against Humanity Daniel Ortega.  In order to give his government a hint of democracy, Ortega allows elections to run freely… initially. His opponent is the widow of a famous journalist killed by the dictator Somoza which eventually led to his downfall: Violeta Chamorro.

Ortega was sure as shit that the country loved him and he was gonna win, but polls started to come in indicating that Ms. Chamorro had become a serious contender and may win the election.  Things got so bad that reliable  information started to leak that forces inside the Sandinista government were preparing to assassinate the challenger. The problem was that Ms. Chamorro could not afford a fully vetted & professional security force to keep her alive and President Perez reached into the secret Presidential account to pay for it.  Ms. Chamorro won and unseated the communists from power in Nicaragua which I believe pissed even more the Left in Venezuela.

Now I have to introduce you to another player in this event: Meet Jose Vicente Rangel:

Profession is journalist and he had a TV show of news and his own opinion. he was very popular and whatever came out of his lips, it was sure to make the rounds the next day. He hated CAP also with jihadist fervor. and the reason is that Mr. Rangel in his younger years was a revolutionary influenced by Fidel Castro and was a member of the guerilla and terrorist forces that made a mess in the early 60s Venezuela.  Perez was then the minister of Interior (the Venezuelan version of head of internal security forces) back then and in charge of hunting his ass and responsible for the capture and death of many of his fellow revolutionaries.

It was Rangel who broke out the alleged misuse of the secret presidential account and that the President in doing so, interfered with the affairs of another country. The rest of the press tagged along with the story and Rangel, little by little kept adding stuff to  the pile and the other fellow journalists did the same although 99.999999% was fabricated. They managed to reverse CAP’s popularity and the mounting pressure was enough for the Venezuelan Congress to impeach and remove CAP as president.

Here is the kicker: There was never a crime committed by President Perez. The use of the secret funding by law was his to do as he pleased, no restrictions and “interfering with another country” was not codified anywhere in the laws of Venezuela.  They put a patsy as temporary president till new elections were held. In 1994, another former president wins the elections: Rafael Caldera and that is interesting because it was Rafael Caldera during his first time who ordered the military and internal police to stop going after the left-wing guerrillas and offered them presidential pardons if they give up the life and joined the democratic process, a move that saved the neck of the future journalist,  Jose Vicente Rangel. The biggest “accomplishment” of Caldera’s second presidency? Pardoning one Hugo Rafael Chavez before he was found guilty of treason and invalidating him from running for president of Venezuela.

And what do you know? It was through the power of the press that one lonely poor and honest journalist brought down a president all by himself. Did he go on to keep his sharp mind making sure the government stayed clean and honest? Er… not quite.

Rangel was part of the whole conspiracy alongside other members of the media and politicians of other parties. He went on to be Minister of Foreign affairs, Minister of the Defense and eventually Vice President with a sudden  influx of cash and a life of leisure. Great payout to unseat a president, don’t you think?

Yes, this is a summary of what happened in Venezuela, but the major points are covered. There was a slow-motion coup that ended with Chavez and the communists in power and the collapse of a country to the point of starvation.

The same crap is what the Democrats, the Left and a complicit Media tried to pull. This is why they kept and keep screaming constitutional crisis and impeachment. They want Trump out and they have no problem cooking fake dossiers and having FBI agents friendly to them to lie to Federal judges to obtain the FISA Warrants so they can interrogate people including the president and charge them with innocuous shit so Congress is forced to bring articles of impeachment that somewhat stick.

Right now, we have the Media doing their best to try to convince you that this is OK, that nothing really happened and in reality it is all Trump’s fault. They are accomplices in this coup attempt and I have the strange feeling that they are not going to reap rewards for what their lying to the American People.

We live in interesting times.



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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

7 thoughts on “The coup that failed: How the Democrats were not even original. (long)”
  1. It’s Amazing to read about this from someone who lived through it. It was like when I was growing up and hearing about the communist revolution in Cuba from the grandparents of my friends. There is so much that the American media leaves out or changes when they tell the history.

  2. Then, as I have said before, these enemies of the state, will have to be silenced, forcefully, by the American people. They are a threat to our republic, liberty and freedoms and should realize the harsh consequences if their actions…. neutralized… every damned one of them, should be singled out, one at a time, and neutralized, permanently… with prejudice. Once a few of them are found, and done in with, he others will fall in line, or go completely off the docks, and will eliminate themselves…

  3. It is not a matter now, if we will have a civil war, or second revolution, but it is now a matter of when….

  4. It never ceases to amaze me the stupidity of people when I am out and about…
    And then we elect Trump and in doing so these Americans I think heve fell down the stupidity well show that We the People are not as dumb as liberals hoped. This election has made us “pay attention to the men behind the curtain”
    You Sir continue to show us the inside of socialist parties, which helps keep the fires burning in true patriots. Soon, maybe, the libs will figure out its not working and shut up. But we know they will never go away. Stay awake. Never quit the fight.

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