The internet is melting down with debate about whether or not it is reasonable to use lethal force (a firearm) against an attacker armed with pepper spray.  The crux of the argument in favor of shooting seems to be the idea that if one is incapacitated by the pepper spray, one might not be able to defend against a gun grab attempt.  After disabling someone with pepper spray, the attacker could then remove the defender’s gun from the holster and shoot him/her with it.

The Denver Pepper Spray Shooting

Your obligatory read for the day.  never forget that Self defense training includes what NOT to do. The idea is for you to go back to sleep in your bed and not finding out how hard is a cot at the local jail.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

6 thoughts on “The Denver Pepper Spray Shooting – Greg Ellifritz”
  1. It was a good read.

    I see this as being bad for the Left no matter the ruling.

    If ruled unjustified, then they lose the argument that pepper spray used by police is extreme violence etc. If ruled justified, then it’s precedent that pepper-spraying lawful concealed carry holders justifies them responding with deadly force.

    1. Also, see next post by Miguel … This might all go out the window anyway if the shooter is deemed to be initiating deadly force, as opposed to reacting to being pepper sprayed.

    2. I was thinking this. The argument that deadly force is permitted against a non-deadly attack is effectively eliminating the concept of proportionality. So they are claiming that when an Antifa member tries to pepper spray me or throws a water bottle at me, I can respond with deadly force.

      As usual, the left has no idea what they are talking about when it comes to self defense and weapons. They think that all you have to do is say the magic words: “I felt threatened,” and then you can stand your ground and shoot someone in the face with a machine gun bazooka that has a magazine with 100 clips in it.

  2. Also, if shooting someone who pepper sprays you is now okay then a cop shooting someone who is trying to taser him is also okay.

  3. Pepper spray had nothing to do with it.

    Doloff tried to grab the victim’s concealed weapon and when that failed by being slapped, Doloff then drew his own gun and shot the victim.

Only one rule: Don't be a dick.

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