More chaos for the Big Rotten Apple.

NYS troopers want off NYC streets as cops face new criminal, civil liability on the job

The president of a union representing New York State troopers is calling for members to be pulled from any posts in New York City, citing concerns about police legislation slated to be signed by Mayor Bill de Blasio on Wednesday afternoon.

“I am demanding that New York State Police Superintendent Keith Corlett immediately remove all uniformed State Troopers currently stationed within New York City and cease any law enforcement activities within that jurisdiction,” wrote PBA President Thomas Mungeer in a Wednesday press release.

The legislation, which was scheduled to be signed by de Blasio during a 2:30 p.m. event, “puts an undue burden upon our Troopers,” Mungeer wrote. “It opens them up to criminal and civil liability for restraining a person during a lawful arrest in a manner that is consistent with their training and is legal throughout the rest of the State. Furthermore, this legislation will prevent Troopers from safely and effectively arresting resistant subjects.”

Administrative Code section 10-18, makes it a misdemeanor crime for an arresting officer to restrain someone “in a manner that restricts the flow of air or blood by compressing the windpipe or the carotid arteries on each side of the neck, or sitting, kneeling, or standing on the chest or back in a manner that compresses the diaphragm, in the course of effecting or attempting to effect an arrest,” according to the bill.

There are about 200 state troopers assigned to New York City on a given day.

So not just are NYPD officers retiring at 400% the normal rate, but state law enforcement wants out of the city too.

The spike in violence we are seeing now is only the beginning.  It is going to keep going up the more and more as the police, quite visibly, stop patrolling the city.

I have a buddy on Wall Street who has been telling me about the layoffs on Wall Street.  The banking sector has discovered AI is better at investing than a small army of brokers, so more and more, finance is being consolidated into a smaller pool of people.  These people just spent the last few months discovering that they are more than capable of working remotely.

As New York decays under crime and businesses that died under the lockdown stayed closed, the tax base that pays for NYC is going to flee at an ever-increasing rate, squeezing the NYC budget even harder.

Combine these shortfalls with rampant progressivism and I have no idea how NYC is going to turn this around.

We may very well be watching the beginning of NYC’s descent into becoming Detroit on the Hudson, with vacant and dilapidated skyscrapers instead of vacant and dilapidated factories.

History is going to show that de Blasio killed more New Yorkers and did more damage to that city than Osama Bin Laden.

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By J. Kb

3 thoughts on “The depolicing of New York City continues”
  1. There are no surprises here any more. de Blasio has always hated the police , he has never hid that fact. Now NYC is paying the price.

  2. Once again, the leftists clearly demonstrate they have the mental reasoning capacity of a toddler.

    “It’s not perfect, it must be destroyed.”

    My city administration is no different. Just recently decided to spread the joy of homelessness around the city. Planting shelters in neighborhoods around the city, instead of leaving them in the more industrial areas. However, the claim is it will make the city safer. Magical thinking at best.

    That idiot (sorry to all idiots out there) running NYC is no different. And, the idiots that voted for him are getting exactly what they deserve.

Only one rule: Don't be a dick.

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