During the shit-show of the debate, the President and Biden argued over Antifa.

Biden made the point that the FBI director said the real threat is from white supremacists.

The Nation published this article:

As Trump Equivocates on White Supremacy, the FBI Warns of Right-Wing Terror

Asked at yesterday’s presidential debate if he would condemn white supremacist violence by groups like the Proud Boys, President Trump was defiant, remarking: “Almost everything I see is from the left-wing, not the right-wing.” But that very same day, the FBI issued an intelligence report warning of an imminent “violent extremist threat” posed by a far-right militia that includes white supremacists—identifying the current election period up to the 2021 inauguration as a “potential flashpoint.”

The report, obtained exclusively by The Nation and titled “Boogaloo Adherents Likely Increasing Anti-Government Violent Rhetoric and Activities, Increasing Domestic Violent Extremist Threat in the FBI Dallas Area of Responsibility,” warns of the threat posed by the far-right militia group known as the “Boogaloos.” Marked FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY and LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE, the document was prepared by the FBI’s Dallas Field Office and is dated September 29, 2020. It draws on a wide array of intelligence sources, making specific mention of human sources—suggesting that the Bureau may have confidential informants within the group. The document points to several catalysts for the rise in the group’s membership, including resentment over perceived government overreach embodied by the Covid-19 shutdown and the presidential election.

I’m don’t want to sound like a conspiracy theory nut job, but I really don’t think that FBI threat assessments are accurate.

We know that high ranking people within the FBI conspired with Hillary and Obama to spy on Trump using fabricated evidence of Russian interference.

Why should we believe that the FBI threat assessments are based on fact and not the desire to push a narrative and make Trump look bad?

The damage caused by rioters since the start of the George Floyd protests have cost insurance companies $2 Billion.

We have watched live-streams of protesters trying to set government buildings on fire, setting private business on fire, throwing firebombs and IEDs at law enforcement, and threatening people in their homes, but the FBI doesn’t warn of that threat as much as the “imminent threat of right-wing or white supremacist violence” which never seems to materialize.  Especially the “right-wing violence.”

I feel like this meme sums up the situation perfectly:


Is the FBI doing to just to undermine Trump’s talking points?

I don’t know.

I want to make this perfectly clear, I am not defending white supremacists in any way.  During the lockdown our Synagogue was vandalized here in Huntsville, so I know that it exists and is a threat.

However, so far the bill for the cleanup of Antia violence could buy an Arleigh Burke-class destroyer while all the guys in Hawaiian shirts with Pepe frog morale patches haven’t broken a window between them.

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By J. Kb

17 thoughts on “The FBI threat assessments cannot be trusted”
  1. At a time when the Dems are saying antifa is just an idea. One that happens to rent uhaul trucks, organizes shield wall training, has a standardized uniform, uses complex communications methods and carries signs announcing who they are.

    Versa the boogaloo bois which seems much more of an idea. “What are you doing to prepare for the big igloo?”

    One group of people seems to be reactive, the other group plans for and does violence.

    As far as I can tell from the few reports I’ve seen, doj is worried about the right because they fear how successful they will be.

    Left riots for 115 days with hundreds of people, just in Portland. They cause a lot damage to undefended businesses and buildings. Very few deaths.

    Now think about a squad of III%ers deciding to take a city center. Those guys have enough corporate knowledge to do all the right things. They show up with a logistics and resupply plan. They are unlikely to be hiding behind umbrellas and plywood shields.

    That scenerio scares then shitless.

    The problem they have is they can’t just say that. Instead they have to paint the right as extreme hate groups. Anti government. White supremacists. And all the other nasty labels they can toss into the mix.

    Anytime they used a label from SPLC you know they are lying

  2. I don’t recall if anyone was ever caught for prosecuting the Chabad Synagogue vandal in Huntsville.

    Did you know Rabbi Laibel Berkowitz? I used to go drinking with him on Purim…

    1. EDIT: There were two synagogues vandalized – Etz Chayim and Chabad. I only knew the Chabad Rabbi, thus my incomplete coffee-deprived comment.

  3. I’m gonna be clear here: I don’t buy that there are major white supremacist groups that would make any difference. Like Therefore^ said, it’s a catchphrase to create a boogyman as a distraction to the communist mob.
    What I do know is that many, many people on the right are growing tired and angry at current events, where rioters are let off Scot free but anyone daring to stand up to them get the book thrown at them and cancelled to boot. It isn’t right, and everybody knows it.

    All this rhetoric about violent white supremacists is political theater. They’re trying to make a moral issue out of their anarchy and suppress anyone who’d stop them. Problem is, I don’t think anyone but the true believers is buying it anymore.

    Tl;dr- Beware the fury of a patient man.

  4. If the FBI Russian BS didn’t convince you The FBEEi is compromised, ya gots a problem.

    And as for this Threat Assessment. Nail in the coffin, they can never be trusted. Never.
    That Threat Assessment reads like a NYTDNC talking point.

  5. Re vadalized synagogue: given the well known antisemitic leanings of the far left, it is at least as plausible (in the absence of specific evidence such as arrested suspects) that the vandalizing was done by antifa.

    1. North Alabama is one of the places where I suspect that white supremacists outnumber Antifa Leftists.

      When someone spray paints Swastikas on a Synagogue in Alabama, Occam’s Razor says it’s probably actual neo-Nazis.

      1. I can’t speak of North Alabama. I can speak of Cecil county MD and of my current state. When I was living in MD, I lived just south of Cecil county and I was told that Rising Sun was the home of the KKK on the east coast. This is a town with a population of less than 3000, that hadn’t seen a white hood in 30 years. And in the time I lived in MD I didn’t hear of a single racist incident making the papers.

        That might have been a hot bed of “white supremacists” but they were all a bunch of hick losers.

        In my current state, after Trump was elected, my friend, a Jewish lady and her mother, VERY Jewish had their house vandalized multiple times. With all the standard symbols of “white supremacists”. When the assholes were caught, it was a bunch of high school punks acting out. The group included a couple of PoC.

        When Chick-fil-A was boycotted after it came out that the owner believed in traditional marriage while insisting that his employees all be kind and respectful to everybody, regardless of race, sex, sexual orientation, preferred gender, or religion, there were a number of pictures that came out of “proof of white supremacists”

        Things like the swastika drawn backwards, poorly spelled racist statements. In short all of the characteristics of what the ivory tower elites think a white supremacists would do. Of course no white supremacists were ever caught and when vandals were caught, none were white supremacists.

      2. Most likely, but considering the number of leftist and Antifa who think Ben Shapiro is a literal nazi(and that conservative jews are nazis in hiding) I wouldn’t even consider it a clear cut case anymore. I am starting to think the current brand of leftism is as much the fault of shutting down mental institutions as the failure of our education systems and the expansion of social media.

  6. FBI Directory Wray needs to be relieved of his position. Probably everyone with an office in the Den of Criminals FBI building needs to go with him. (There might be a couple of good people on TDY).

  7. Few points.
    1. The FBI director’s opinion is no more valid, or invalid than the President’s. Yes, he is the director of the FBI, etc… Arguing from authority is a logical fallacy.
    2. When confronted by the violence during “mostly peaceful protest” the folks on the left claim it is nothing more than a handful of agitators, not the crowd. But, when a single idiot on the “right wing” group commits a small act of violence, it is the entire group.

    Again, the first axiom of politics is in full play. The political affiliation of the person or group is the problem, not the actual actions taken.

    1. Also, when a crowd protects a smaller group of criminals in its midst, it becomes a group of accomplices. If “peaceful protesters” don’t want to be judged accomplices, they have a duty to leave the moment the riots start. Those that don’t are participants, whether they actually throw the bomb or not.

  8. Gee, the only reason I go to Rising Sun involves Camp Horseshoe. Fortunately, most of the camp, including the rifle and shotgun ranges, are in Chester County, PA. The archery range is in Cecil County, but Maryland is more reasonable about arrows and throwing axes than about firearms….

    In all the years I’ve been going to Horseshoe, the closest thing I’ve ever seen to racism and antisemitism has been dumbocrap political signs.


  9. Considering that damn near every single other ‘white-supremacist’ hate crime in the last few years was actually committed by progressives, I highly doubt that ‘white-supremacists’ were responsible for the incident at your synagogue. I mean, it’s not like there isn’t a metric fuckton of precedent for which group is more likely to engage in antisemitic activities.

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