Miguel joked about this earlier but it is real:

Columbia University offering graduation ceremonies based on race, ethnicity, income status

Next month, Columbia University will offer six additional graduation ceremonies based on race, ethnicity and other self-identifying factors of undergraduate students.

Native, Asian, Latino and Black graduations are listed as options where students can register, as well as a Lavender graduation for the LGBTQ community, and a ceremony for first-generation and low-income students.

Under the guise of Woke diversity and inclusion initiatives, the American university system has reintroduced segregation.

With this precedent, what do you think will happen as a result of this announcement?

Has anyone in the history of corporate America with the title of “diversity officer” ever made anything better?

Diversity training programs universally generate backlash and breed resentment.  Most people are not biased.  Programs predicated on the assumption that the majority are biased and the minority are victims offends good people in the majority and hard-working people in the minority.

So what happens when you bring into the Army the same ideas that have lead to the creation of minority-only graduations, minority-only dorms, POC-only cafes, and POC-only study centers?

Is the army going to go to BIPOC only barracks, units, mass halls, etc?

This video was from the UVA Multicultural Student Center:

Are minority soldiers going to be applauded for telling white NCOs and officers that they need to be conscious about the space they are taking up?

The military is going to go the way of a $50,000 a year elite college with nothing but racial infighting and grievance-mongering

The Army can kiss unit cohesion goodbye.

This is how the Afghani army is, in fact, how most Middle Eastern armies are.  The ethnic/tribal divisions in the country are still in place in the military, so enlisted soldiers won’t listen to officers from other ethnicities/tribes/sects and they end up fighting among themselves rather than defeat the enemy.

This is in part why despite having superior numbers of forces, no Middle Eastern army has ever defeated the Israelis.

This will be the model for the new US Army, except Woke.

Just wait until someone in the chain of command decides that a unit’s privilege needs to be factored in when calling in close air support.

This is going to be an unmitigated disaster.

Future historians will record that Biden was the worst Commander in Chief since Woodrow Willson reinstituted segregation in the military.



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By J. Kb

11 thoughts on “The final nail in the coffin for the US Army”
  1. There must be a ton of frickin’ ‘woke’ officers at the top to push this nonsense.

    As I understand it, one of the core angles of the military is how diversity is irrelevant. Everyone wears the same uniform. Black, white, red, brown, yellow — all serving as part of the greater ideology.

    And if that sounds oddly familiar, it should — it’s actually a microcosm of how the U.S. should work. Your origin does not matter, only your devotion to liberty and the laws of the land.

    But as you say, this is all about to go right into the toilet. Internal schisms are going to tear the military apart. War with China? Don’t be absurd. China won’t have to lift a damned finger. Hell, they’re probably high-fiving each other because buying Zhou Bai-Den is paying ridiculous dividends over the long term.

  2. “Chief” Diversity Officer? Sounds like appropriation of Native American title. Considering that the U.S. Army was the main persecutor of the Native American tribes in the post Civil War West this is unacceptable.

  3. “Most people are not biased. Programs predicated on the assumption that the majority are biased and the minority are victims offends good people in the majority and hard-working people in the minority.

    Actually, pretty much everyone alive is biased, and has prejudices. Sorry, but it is reality. it is called human nature.

    The problem is that Person A decides that Person B should not be allowed to be human (complete with all their faults) because Person B wants to claim victimhood. That problem is multiplied when preventing Person B from even possibly receiving offense becomes institutional policy.

    Telling me I am biased or prejudiced is not a problem. I am. So are you.
    Telling me how I am biased against you, without any evidence backing that claim up IS a problem.

    These days, everyone is busy doing the second of the two, not the first. And, that is going to lead to a civil war.

  4. This is not new. The US military hasn’t won a war in 75 years and has been doing this stuff since at least the ‘90’s (when I joined.)

    Sadly, you will notice that “winning the bloody war” never seems to be a priority.

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