By J. Kb

3 thoughts on “The importance of good camouflage”
  1. @tashsparkles needs a good ass whooping!

    (She/Her) WTF! Who cares.

    Whenever I need to reply to someone who puts their preferred pronouns in their signature, I add:
    Preferred pronouns: I have a beard and go by the name Mike. Take a guess! If you get it wrong, I am cool. Everyone makes a mistake. I am an adult, I will not get offended.

    1. I would do something like that — with a short explanation what happens when someone is honestly mistaken and corrected* — but I’d probably be called out and/or written up at work for being “offensive” or “insensitive to marginalized people”. So I usually don’t put anything and make them guess.

      Alternatively, I’d put “M’Lord” as my preferred pronoun. Partly because it’s an automatic male designation, and partly because there’s no way they can say it without acknowledging that I am above them and/or they are beneath me. Which is insensitive and deliberately so, but they made the rules on preferred pronouns. 😉

      * – When a person who is honestly mistaken is corrected, one of two things will happen: they will either cease to be mistaken, or cease to be honest about it.

Only one rule: Don't be a dick.

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