This is heartbreaking because it’s unnecessary.

This isn’t the hand of God, this is an ersatz attempt at human connection in the virtue signaling medical community.

This is grotesque.

Remember this cartoon?


This “hand of God” bullshit is the next extension of that.

The PPE crisis is over, and it’s been over for a while.  If nurses can dance on TikTok in full masks, gowns, and face shields, they sure as fuck can spare an N95 for a loved one to visit and hold a relative’s hand.

We had to take the little girl to the hospital recently (don’t worry, she’s fine) but according to policy, only one parent was allowed in with her.

The fuck sort of bullshit is that?  Especially when all the adults in the family have been vaccinated.

I remember when my dad was dying in the hospital and how important it was for both of us for me to be there with him.

This makes me want to puke then punch the fuck out of hospital staff.

This isn’t something praiseworthy to be lauded, this is something that should make medical staff hang their heads in shame they would subject patients to this because they drank the COVID-paranoia Kool-Aid.

The only difference is that instead of killing themselves, they killed the rest of us.

I know that there are good nurses and doctors at the individual level, but as a whole, I see them as human fucking garbage.

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By J. Kb

10 thoughts on “The inhumane idolatry of Leftists”
  1. Calling up a DuckDuckGo search box, I get as far as typing “monkey surr” before “monkey surrogate mother experiment” pops up as the top suggestion.
    Inhumane, yes.

  2. As a doc at a VA, and after extensive review of literature, CoVid for most of my patients is a nothing burger. My average Pt is > 70 years old. After letting patients know that it’s not the official line, recommending avoidance of mRNA vaccination and maybe the J and J if at moderate risk. A Federal FORENSIC review concluded that the mortality rate is but 6% of reported number. Not even a bad (regular) flu year. I just don’t know why the hype is so pervasive. I guess there’s not enough tinfoil to wrap about my head.

    1. Because it’s not about the virus, it was about destroying a siting president (funny that nobody except Trump took the Covid seriously until after impeachment failed.)

      Now it’s not about the virus, but about the control. Look how many Americans voluntarily gave up all their rights. And then when they started wanting them back? BigGov said “Nu-huh.”

      It’s why it took 4 boats of 2-4 crew each to catch a Surfer and stop him from enjoying salt water, fresh air and sunshine.


      All about Control.

    2. “A Federal FORENSIC review concluded that the mortality rate is but 6% of reported number.”

      Doctor, a citation, please.

      Your assertion aligns with my own prejudice, but, since I do not work in an ICU/ in ED, but, rather, in a low acuity walk in, I’m eager for published data with which to inform my opinion.

      Thank you.

  3. If I’m in the hospital and someone offers me a flipping rubber glove full of water to hold my hand, I will do my damnedest to kill or at least permanently cripple that person.

    You can always take one with you.

  4. I found that cartoon very disturbing. It will probably haunt my dreams tonight.

    Human touch is indispensable. (That perspective comes from being a patient, a parent, and a nurse.)

  5. Rick: I agree. My (100 year old) mother died a couple of months ago, post op. These things happen: anesthesia, despite anesthesiologist’s best efforts, is dangerous.

    What angered my brother and me, was that she died ALONE. Because “of Covid”. (spit). My one brother was ten (insert profane adjective here) mile’s away, but could not sit at his century old mother’s bedside, post op, “because of Covid”.

    May they worship at the altar of the patron saint of fertility. On broken glass. In salt water. For eternity.

    Yeah, take that glove bullshit, roll it in Gorilla Glue and broken glass, and…well, their hemorrhoid problem would be resolved.

  6. Oh Lord, J Kb, you have lit me up!

    Been an RN since the Carter administration.

    Deliberating on the possibility that FREAKING NURSES would offer a fornicating glove of fornicating warm fornicating water to a moribund patient INFREAKINGSTEAD of their Nursing presence, well, all the firehouse curses I learned on the streets of Da City are insufficient to articulate my fury.

    Were I the nursing supervisor associated with that unit, where folks had to fornicating die a-fornicating-lone, (a) SOMEBODY would be at their GD bedside, even if me. AND, if administration uttered one fornicating word of anything other than support, they could run their own fornicating shift that night, because I’d have a Johnny Paycheck moment on their ass.

    I freaking betcha.

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