I haven’t seen the show, but apparently the red garb indicates that women are forced to submissive in some weird male-oriented society and whatever else. And these women are being brave by opposing ACB’s nomination dressed like that. Of course, wearing a mask according to local law is not submissive in any way, shape of form because Irony.

This meme makes so much sense.

Image stolen from 90 miles


Make it fashionable, and you not only won’t have to impose it, but they will demand it and pay for it.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

6 thoughts on “The Irony is thick: The Handmaid’s Tale with face masks.”
  1. As a Canadian i’m sorry we influcted Atwood on the world.

    She based the society in her novel on islam’s treatment of women but made them be Christians because Muslims tend to murder authors who mock their religion.

    Atwood has had 0 other good novels and even hand maids tale is poorly written. She is only famous because canadian schools and universities are required to cover a minimum % of Canadian authors.

  2. They hate handmaids so much that they went out and bought the uniform and March in formation in public.

    Freud would have a field day with em.

  3. Crappy authors of Crappy books aside…
    There is a reason I’ve been calling them “face burqas.”
    They don’t actually work for the stated purpose. They dehumanize those wearing them and impede communication by obstructing facial expression. They visibly signal an adherence to authority. And their use shows compliance with dictatorial and dogmatic demands.
    They are the burqas of the religion of leftism (for this year, at least).
    I will not comply.

  4. The whole handmaids thing is just plain stupid. It is another example of the people on the left equating “shocking” with clever.

    And, the whole mask thing is not really a Handmaid’s Tale thing. For the most part the handmaids can walk around without any face covering at all. It is the bright red clothing that is the identifier. There are some handmaids that are so “dedicated” to their profession of producing babies for the party elites that they choose to have their mouths sewn shut. Something about being silent. Frankly, I do not get it.

  5. Didn’t the left / feminist / asterisk movement turn on Atwood? I thought she had been unpersoned last year sometime.

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