Based on my own studies of social dislocations, I believe that a rifle is a huge “force multiplier” in a situation where everything flies into the fan. Therefore, having a rifle seems like a good idea. The rifle becomes an extension of the very idea of concealed carry…I’m not sure when a fire is going to break out, so I carry a fire extinguisher.

via The Michael Bane Blog: The Urban Rifle.

Go read the whole thing. If you don’t have a rifle, get one no matter what is available.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

4 thoughts on “The Michael Bane Blog: The Urban Rifle”
  1. Agreed. I don’t expect to get into an accident every time I crank the engine in my truck, but I have insurance anyway. I also have various tools/equipment/gear stashed in my truck just in case. The rifles I own are, for now, for the most part bolt-action and WW1/WW2 vintage. But they’ll do the trick.

    Wife and I have decided that once some debt gets paid off, an AR in 5.56 is our next major purchase. Or two.

    1. I noticed at the last show, the prices are coming back down. One table had 6 or 7 AR’s for under a grand. Now if the ammo manufacturers would get caught up.

  2. My car has a spare tire in case I’m attacked by a flat…

    Where did he get a holster for that fire extinguisher?

  3. A rifle is great but it’s nothing without ammo and training! (preaching to the choir, I know)

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