Via FPF Training.

I have no background on the event which is good in a way because that would be the same thing that would happen in real life: You have no idea what’s going on besides the obvious.

Do you intervene and save a life and possibly become a defendant? Or you just pull your phone, call 911 and then switch to video recording.

Up to you to figure that one out

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

12 thoughts on “The neverending dilemma of Good Witness vs. First Responder. (Graphic Content)”
  1. I cannot tell from the video, but is this a stabbing or a beating?

    If I can see that deadly force is being used, I believe I have an absolute moral imperative to intervene. No “Kitty Genovese” event while I am present.

  2. If I didn’t see the event from the beginning and have no context, my vote is for: stop the violence, call police, keep everybody at the scene. Let the police sort it out.

    Was the person doing the stabbing the aggressor, or was it an act of self defense? I don’t know. Let the cops sort it out. If you save the life of a good guy, good job. If you save the life of an attempted rapist, he’ll go to jail instead of the morgue.

  3. As the other said, it does depend on the context, or lack their of.

    But I like J’s answer, stop the violence. A person only defending themselves will stop any aggression upon the arrival of outside force, a person bent on attack is less likely to stop. If they don’t stop the violence, then I take action. If they don’t, hold them (if possible), until the cops get there.

    I know others will not want to get involved and I try not to blame them, but I feel I have a duty to innocent people to defend their lives, even at the expense of my own. I could not live with myself if I had a chance to save somebody but chose to do nothing.

  4. In NJ, ‘Use of Force’ laws dictate that we can police/911. In NJ, you open yourself up to civil action since the people are not granted the power by the State to intervene…..even the so-called ‘Good Samaratine’ law is weak as water.

  5. Thank God I’m in Texas. Texas Penal Code 9.32 specifically states that I can defend a third party from unlawful deadly force or violent criminal attack just as if the attack was directed at me , if I reasonably believe my intervention is immediately necessary. Texas Civil Practices and Remedies Code 83.001 says if my action is “justified” then I am immune from civil suit.

    A man repeatedly stabbing a screaming woman likely qualifies for my action.

  6. Once the person in gray clears contact with the other, still on the ground, and then proceeds to kick, hit or stab that person on the ground; then yes, you intervene. At that point, the person on top – in the gray – has no possible claim to self-defense. Intervene.

    I cannot stand by and do as a person is killed.

  7. No matter how noble it makes you feel, make sure you know exactly what’s going on and what your state laws are before you think about mixing in. In my state and no doubt in others, defending a third party with lethal force is only allowable IF the party you are defending would THEMSELVES be justified in using lethal force. IOW, if didn’t see the beginning of the confrontation and only walked in on the end you had better hope the person you’re defending is clean as a whistle because you are seriously playing dice with your future.
    Yes, this does tend to mitigate towards the “call the police and stay out of it” end of the issue.

  8. Based on the news organization that posted the video, this was in gun free paradise of Toronto, Canada. Perhaps that is why the only civilian response was shouting and honking horns until the police showed up and shot the perp.

  9. Branca ends his class with saying something like you need to picture yourself in prison 25 years from now before you deploy your firearm. Sitting there, 25 years from now, will you still be okay with that outcome?

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