Guy wrestles the gun away from an attempted shooter at a church.  The police come in and shoot the good guy because he’s holding the gun. 

The whole situation was a cluster fuck with the Church’s unarmed security guard running away and the cop perhaps being a little trigger happy.

I’m just reminded of Reagan’s famous quote “the most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government and I’m here to help.”

But that’s not where this story ends.

From the party that brought you “only the police should have guns” and stood by the Broward Sheriff against the NRA comes this.

Those cops, who are the only people who should have guns, are racists who murder POC.

With that argument, maybe it’s a good thing the BCS waited outside.   Otherwise they would have gone in and started shooting the black students and ignored Cruz because he’s white.

I can’t keep track of these people’s positions anymore.

You csnt can’t have a gun because the police are there to protect you and they are all trigger happy racist murders.  

I’m confused.

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By J. Kb

One thought on “The police will protect you AND cognitive dissonance – Texas twofer”
  1. Oh, its very simple. You can’t have a gun. No reasons are necessary because they feel that way. Simple, see?

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