

Because the Left excels at maintaining and enforcing political orthodoxy.

The Left supports Communist totalitarianism over American liberty.

Concentration camps are a feature of that, not a bug.

The Left overlooks Uyghur concentration camps while screaming about “kids on cages” because their moral compass points to Leftist totalitarian authority not right and wrong.

The same people screaming that “kids in cages” are American concentration camps have literally called for concentration camps for Trump supporters.

Well meaning Conservatives have a hard time fathoming this but I needs to be understood.

Good is whatever strengthens their control and bad is whatever weakness it.

Once you understand that, it’s easy to figure out what they are going to do.

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By J. Kb

One thought on “The power of conforming to orthodoxy”
  1. It’s “Rule of Law” vs “Rule of Man”.
    The Left has left Liberalism long ago, and has jumped into the Oligarch camp, in hopes that they will be part of the Nomenklatura. After all, part of the fun of Rule of Man is having the power of making rules that you don’t have to follow.

Only one rule: Don't be a dick.

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