And she is an elected official, folks.

And as we have been expecting, she is using the Pandemic as an excuse to go full Hugo Chavez. From her official government site:

The deadly coronavirus pandemic has shaken our world. Working people face a triple-emergency – illness and loss of loved ones, severe job and income losses, and a worsening housing emergency.

The emergency will, unfortunately, last well beyond 2020. We cannot afford to wait until the health crisis is over to set in motion the massive jobs and housing investments that workers will need.

That’s why we’re fighting to tax Amazon and other big businesses, to fund immediate COVID-19 relief for working people, and then to go on in 2021 and beyond to fund a massive expansion of new, affordable, social housing and Green New Deal renovations of existing homes. These programs have the potential to create and support thousands of good, union jobs. We’re also fighting for a statewide suspension of rent, mortgage, and utility payments, because hundreds of thousands of working Washingtonians have been laid off or have lost wages through unpaid stay-at-home.


The emergency will, unfortunately, last well beyond 2020.” This is something we are seeing more and more as theme. It began with some states’ governors extending the quarantine and a few others the mention of more Federal help. But Sawant here does not care for the frog in the pot theory but wants the full broil treatment immediately. Rent control/free, power to the People who will be in controls of the means of production? Yes please! May I have some more Communism?  

Of she has not planned what would happen if Amazon and other “big companies” decided to shut down and move out of Seattle and even out of the State. She will probably rattle on about how she needs to be elected to positions of bigger power so she can take on these evil cowardly corporations that ran away from their responsibility in Seattle and she can only do that if you help her get to Congress in D.C. Your donation is needed, just a few bucks from the Pandemic monthly checks she fought so hard to give you.

Because you cannot be a good communist leader until you reach the politburo and have your own  private dacha.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

12 thoughts on “The rats coming out of the holes.”
  1. Taking over corporations and having them run by the workers has worked so well in the past: Russia, China, Venezuela, etc. Isn’t doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results one definition of insanity? She should check herself into the nearest asylum.

    1. The ironic thing is that when people like her talk about “workers”, they are never actually taking about people who actually work.

      Actual workers have very little patience with Che wannabes, and aren’t trusted by the Vanguard of the Proletariat.

      “Run by Workers” is about turning things over to those over-educated privileged twits too lazy and too stupid to get their MBA’s and become proper Pointy Haired Bosses.

  2. As I noted on my own blog the past couple of days:
    (1) We’re seeing a variant of the First Rule of Acquisition, and
    (2) Progressives are rediscovering the old maxim: Power corrupts. Absolute power is kind of neat.

  3. Why am I not surprised she advocates taking over a successful company instead of starting one? Even she understands deep down that her ilk would have zero chance of being successful, so they must appropriate what has been made successful by others.

  4. OK, I am getting really tired of this kind of crap.

    No…. not the attempts at installing socialism/communism. Those are actually kind of funny. I am getting tired of the “The emergency will, unfortunately, last well beyond 2020.” crap.

    Seriously, there is not a petty tin pot dictator out there that is not using that very line as an excuse to hold onto to whatever emergency decision making authority they have. Or, expand it.

    The petty dictator of a mayor is using that line to waste tens of millions of taxpayer dollars trying to help the homeless, because they are the most vulnerable to the disease. In the process, he is creating tens of thousands of more vulnerable people. But… petty dictators have to petty dictate.

    1. I’d put it more strongly. Her ilk are working hard to make SURE the emergency will last well beyond 2020. It’s not so much an excuse as it is a very obvious goal.
      And that makes sense. The suffering of the people offers the only chance for communists to seize power.

  5. “We’re also fighting for a statewide suspension of rent, mortgage, and utility payments, because hundreds of thousands of working Washingtonians have been laid off or have lost wages through unpaid stay-at-home.”

    Funny how I don’t see the OTHER housing expense listed in there. You know… the one that goes DIRECTLY to .Gov without any middleman?

    Wonder why that is?


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