There is 143 years of lead in the side of that mountain.  What a club of 20 guys shooting weekend matches will add to that is a drop-in insubstantial by comparison.

This is why it is so important for gun owners and shooters to be involved in local politics as well as national politics.

Just like with the lawsuits against gun manufacturers for “safety,” they will use every other excuse to attack our rights by destroying our gun culture.  That starts with eliminating our gun ranges.  Indoor ranges are extremely expensive to build and maintain, roughly $100,000 per lane because of air filtration and hazmat waste disposal.  Outdoor ranges, which are far more affordable, are subject to environmental and noise pollution attacks, even when they don’t pose a real threat.

We must defend our gun rights.  That doesn’t include just our right to buy guns, but our right to shoot them.  Be active in your community and protect your outdoor ranges.


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By J. Kb

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