I know, I know. I have not forgotten. It has been hectic for me to come up with a decent time frame but I think I got it now.

It is gonna be in the third week of September and I need to know two things: How many people are gonna show and will you rather make itΒ  for Friday night September 20th or Saturday Morning September 21st. Start thinking and planning ahead.

My idea would be to get us one of the nice ranges at Nexus for ourselves and do a bit more than just static bang-bang. I have to work out the details and even if it can be rented. I would love to work with everybody on shooting on the move, from cover and some basic positions. Nothing fancy, just the basics.

You will need a handgun, magazines (3 preferable, more the merrier) holster and mag pouch, eye and ear protection (you may wanna double on ear if you are sensitive), cap or visor, a roll of 1/2 inch masking tape and about 100-150 rounds of ammo. Nexus has ammo and IPSC targets that last longer than just paper ones.

This thing is open to gun bloggers and readers of those blogs. After we are done shooting, we can depart to some nearby eatery and make excuses as why we shot so crappy. One thing…OK, two things: I don’t eat chicken or stuff that lives underwater.

As soon as I have some more details ironed, I’ll let you know.

UPDATE: I should have anticipated that there were going to be a local idiot or two who are not gunnies or fond of the idea that bloggers with guns would meet, shoot lead and shoot the shit. Even though I made the correction from bloggers to gun bloggers, if you like to shoot and respect the Constitution and ALL its amendments, you are more than welcome to come.

I do expect that the Butthurt Brigade will make a fuss but stay home as they live in fabricated fear.

UPDATE 2: I forgot… Nexus have gun rentals…LOTS.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

5 thoughts on “The South Florida Blogs Shoot & Meet (Updated)”
  1. Saturday probably works better for me. BTW, you should thank Rick the Dick of the late and unlamented South Florida Daily Blah for promoting this for you… πŸ™‚

      1. On “The Twitter” as the moron calls it: “Looks like @GunFreeZone is planning a ‘South Florida Blogs Shoot & Meet.’ You’ll need 150 rounds and a tin foil hat. goo.gl/v1CGIv”.

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