By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

7 thoughts on ““The State ought to have a monopoly on legitimate violence””
  1. She does not look like she’s buying it. Her expression for half of that told me “how much longer is this idiot going to sit here and blather without answering the question as I asked it?”

    Also, his comment about Penicillin does apply to guns… almost exactly in the OPPOSITE way he used it. Guns are the social Penicillin.

  2. Governments have a real hard time defining “legitimate “violence. It changes to meet the demands of those in power. Witness Nazi Germany, Red (as in “blood”) China, the USSR, Stalin’s Russia… The list is huge. Is that what you mean by “gov’t violence”, Mr. Nadler? And, by your name, I presume that you are Jewish. (No insult intended, and my bad if you are not.) Yet, you ignore the most important lesson of the Holocaust, and the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising: NEVER give up your guns.

    1. According to Wikipedia and other websites. Jerrold Lewis “Jerry” Nadler is Jewish. Its is sad to see these people who are of Jewish descent and run for office fail to learn from their own history and repeat the same flaws of the past.

  3. And would the gentleman be just as comfortable with the state having a monopoly on legitimate violence during a Republican administration?

  4. I love how they keep referencing that one stabbing in China where nobody died…and ignore the half-dozen others that were exactly the same and had double-digit body counts. Several with more than these AR spree shootings.

    Also funny how Major “Hadji” Hassan was able to shoot so many TRAINED SOLDIERS without resistance, and was only stopped by a TRAFFIC COP.

    Maybe because he was the only soldier on base who had a gun! Also because he picked a 5.7×28, the body count was MUCH lower because of the crappy wound ballistics.

  5. It appears the comment comes from Hobbes’ political philosophy, as expressed in “Leviathan”- which, if I remember correctly*, holds the sovereign to be supreme over the people.

    *as in peruse Wikipedia

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