By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

18 thoughts on “The Very Classy People of CSGV and the death of Bob Owens.”
    1. That guy is a dumbass. Won’t engage you about why concealed carry is bad or his logic but will only post links to the supposed historical sources, won’t engage you in questioning the fundamental premise that concealed carry is dishonest or for neer do wells and criminals, wants to paint us into a corner of only open carry, sits on a roost and decrees similar to the anti gun groups, then will call you gay/fag/unmanly/etc for preferring concealed carry and not agreeing with him and makes arguments akin to why hide it if you aren’t up to no good.

      So yea I’m not surprised by any sort of reaction like that from this dumbass.

  1. It certainly didn’t take the swine long to come out, as expected. I disagreed with Bob Owen on a lot of stuff and I stopped frequenting BA a couple of years ago….. But any time a person takes their own life, it is sad. It is senseless and I feel bad for his family that now have to deal with this.

  2. Of all of the anti-gun types out there, csgv is really scraping the bottom of the gene pool. If only a bottle of Clorox could fix the problem……

  3. Expected this from scum. They think they are on the moral high ground. Wrong!

    They blame him and any Second Amendment advocates for the criminal misuse of firearms. They whine and wail about thousands of “gun deaths” and the evil gun culture. It is unfounded and a libel against us.

    They completely miss that these deaths are almost entirely attributable to the illicit drug trade, gang warfare, a few insane spree killers, muslim terrorists, and garden variety criminal activity (e.g. robbery, rape, home invasion, car jacking).

    NRA members and the gun culture are almost never involved in such unjustified shootings and murders.

    To CSGV, if we are as violent and deplorable as you say we are, you would all be dead already at our hands. You are evil for trying to disarm me to make me defenseless against scum like you.

  4. Hate to say it, but until more details about Mr. Owens health and mental state emerge, it’s still just an “apparent suicide”. Got to wonder if he was Breitbarted.

  5. Sorry, gunloons, every word by the CSGV commenters is true and hardly inflammatory. He may have been a wonderful friend, dad, husband, etc. Don’t know and I suspect many of you don’t as well. You make the mistake of thinking that if you agree with a person’s agenda–he’s simply the best person ever.

    Fact is, Owens was a liar and a racist. And before his untimely passing, he was pretty critical of suicide (especially suicide by firearm) often using terms such as “stupid” and making fun of them. This was a guy who, as recently as several days ago, was still joking about Trayvon Martin–some five years after his murder. Owens often commented BLM was the greatest domestic terrorism threat this nation has ever seen. Perhaps when BLM murders over 300 people like a gun activist did–maybe we can talk. And let’s not forget Owens repeatedly wrote about murdering politicians, LEOs, and liberals. On a regular basis

    Frankly, nearly all on the left have been muted about Owen’s death. For example, the WaPo merely reported the story and didn’t permit any comments. Many liberal websites that regularly lampooned Owens did likewise. Reported the story. No comments allowed. I frequent many, many liberal sites and I have yet to find one that makes fun of Owen’s suicide.

    Contrast that with your own behavior. When Gabby Giffords got shot–how’d you respond? The slaughter of 20 2nd graders? You responded with insults, occasional glee and, frankly, behavior not tolerated outside of a prison population.

    1. And that is, Ladies and gents, the reason we fight for the 2A.
      PS: Jade, May we never behave the way you say we do. I hear Canada is not taking refugees from the US.

    2. Which gun activist killed 300 people? Trayvon wasnt murdered he was trayvoffed. Not very bright are you?

    3. Well, now. It seems we have yet another representative of the antigun crowd who simply lacks the common decency to refrain from speaking ill of the dead. Rather, in addition to the typical blood-dancing, he engages in revelry and celebration in attacking the deceased, who is unable to defend himself. But, this is par for the course for Cabot, who is the archetypal antigun troll.

      Yeah, you’re a classy dude, Cabot. Attacking a dead man. I sincerely hope that your family receives as much vituperative about you when you finally leave this mortal coil

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