Calling the NRA a terrorist organization in no longer just the purview of ex-Clinton staffers spending money on billboards.


Now, perhaps the most obnoxious non-student victim of the Parkland Shooting has joined in the NRA terrorist equivalence.

The Governor of Connecticut, Dan Malloy chimed in saying that the NRA has become a terrorist organization.

This is not just terrible rhetoric.  There is a purpose to this.

There is a quote, often attributed to Josef Goebbels “if you tell a lie often enough, people will come to believe it.”  There is no evidence that he said it, but it does seem to be true.

I think the end goal of pundits, sacred victims, PACs, and politicians calling the NRA a terrorist organization is to do just that.  Have the NRA defined as a terrorist organization.

The FBI has a very specific definition of terrorism, which the NRA doesn’t meet.  But if the lie is told often enough by important enough people than the momentum can be built to criminalize association with the NRA.

I am fully convinced that what we are seeing is a deliberate push to criminalize the NRA to the point where the five (soon to be six) million members that support the NRA can be prosecuted the same way as someone who supports ISIS or Al Qaeda.

You can call me a tinfoil hat wearing, paranoid, crazy person, but with the absolute level of hate we’ve seen directed at gun owners, I believe they do mean to do us real harm.

Right now, there is nothing they can do because NRA membership is protected by the First Amendment, the right to free association and the NRA is a registered lobbying group.

But if they can make the NRA legally tantamount to ISIS, all of its members are now criminals.

A year ago, maybe you’d be right to call me crazy.  Not today.

I believe this is an act to destroy the Second Amendment by undermining the protections of the First Amendment.

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By J. Kb

10 thoughts on “There is a purpose to this rehtoric”
  1. “There is a purpose to this rhetoric.”

    There is indeed, What leftards don’t seem to get is how badly this could go for them and then us if they keep up this bullshit.

    As someone said a while back, these be interesting & dangerous times.

    1. They think they can get away with this, because (if they were honest with themselves) they know that they are evil while we are not. If their accusations were even faintly connected to truth, they wouldn’t be making them because they would not be alive.

  2. IANAL but quick perusal of the Wikipedia* entry on ‘Defamation’ (AKA: Slander/Libel) would seem to indicate a slam dunk lawsuit for same.

    *Yeah, I know, I know,,,but it serves well for a primer on most subjects.

    1. This 1000000+ times.

      BLM, nu-antifa and NOI are also terrorist organizations. Their actions have clearly shown that, despite the MSM’s attempts to sweep that under the carpet.

  3. As an alternative to consider, if you persist in calling NRA members terrorists, then won’t people think ”Hey! My Uncle Bob’s an NRA member. He’s not a terrorist!” I wonder how successful a vote getting strategy that will turn out to be.

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