It out sensitivity for yesterday, I saved posting this for today.

For years, the Left has shit on great American holidays like Independence Day and Thanksgiving, telling us how the founding of America wasn’t great and America has done more harm than good.  Then they started to shit on more somber holidays like Veterans Day and Memorial Day.

This year was the year that they finally let their TDS overtake any last shred of decency they had and decided to shit on 9/11 because of Trump.

If you are the kind of person that thinks it is a brilliant political point to compare the President of the United States to the terrorist Osama Bin Laden by comparing the death tolls of an airborne pandemic (handled different in different states because of our federalist system, with many different local outcomes) with the deliberate, unprecedented, sneak attack, mass-murder of American civilians, you are garbage, utter garbage, with a soul full of shit.  Everything you say the rest of your life should be disregarded, and you should die in destitution and anonymity, alone, unloved, and unmourned, shunned by decent society.

Yimakh shemo ve zikhro.  May your name and memory be obliterated.

You disgusting pieces of shit.

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By J. Kb

9 thoughts on “These piles of human garbage have dog s**t for souls”
  1. 125k that Trumpy killed this year?? In addition to all the good his administration has accomplished AND being hasseled by the media? Hes a busy guy!!

    1. Yes, they are. They’ve completely memory-holed the fact that they were all calling Trump a racist when he started putting restrictions on China and that they were stuffing sick senior citizens into crowded buildings.

      1984 is a how-to manual, not a warning.

  2. There’s definitely something in what these people are arguing. Now if they were laying the blame on dictator Xi I would support them.

  3. Based on these a-holes logic, and considering the evidence that China with prior knowledge let this pandemic loose on the world, why aren’t they calling for Beijing to be a glass paved self illuminating parking lot?

    I know, I’m an evil SOB but I’m too old to change now.

  4. First of all these idiots do not realize that dying with COVID is not the same thing as dying from it.

    Secondly, why/how is the President responsible? Oh…. I forgot, GW Bush was responsible for Katrina. Somehow, Obama was not responsible for the Deep Horizon disaster….

    First axiom of politics applies.

  5. Paul Krugman is one of my favorite kicking bags. Has that ignorant gas bag ever been right on any economic forecasts, predictions, warnings, policies, or screw ball theories about it?

    His Nobel prize for his failures in economic theories rivals only that for the POS O-Butt-Hole for being “present” as POTUS for a couple of weeks before he went on to drone strike American citizens in the Middle East and get collateral damage children.

    When Leftists accuse Trump of being Hitler or OBL or the anti-Christ, I judge them to be vile crap.

Only one rule: Don't be a dick.

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