Watch these clips:

For most of 2020 and 2021 the Left said it was a conspiracy to claim that most of the people who died of COVID were old, fat, and sick to begin with, the danger of COVID determined by deaths is being misrepresented or over inflated, and the shutting down of society isn’t going to save lives, in fact the cure is worse than the disease.

Now it’s 2022 and the economy is dog shit, unemployment is up, inflation is up, shrlves are bare, business are closing, and parents are pissed like hell about the data on remote learning, kids falling behind, and continued teacher strikes.

All of this is about to bite the Democrats right in the ass.

They are figuring out that the fear porn they pushed to destroy Trump is going to destroy them.

They created the monster and it’s not going to eat them.

What you are watching is them trying to calm down the COVID panic they created, to get society back towards normal before they all get shellaced.

They cannot be allowed to get away with this.


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By J. Kb

12 thoughts on “They are pivoting because the fear porn they pushed is backfiring”
  1. And… of the remaining 25% who died, how many died without a single comorbidity?

    I agree totally. A revision of the death stats, starting from Jan 20th, 2021 is coming. (Every death before then will remain a Trump Killed them death.) The curves will be drawn, and pResident Burden will become a hero.

    1. Checked into this a bit, and warning… I did not actually watch the CDC Director’s full video, so this is second hand info at best.

      Supposedly, per a Twitter user, that stat (75% had four or more comorbidities) was about the fully vaccinated that died, not all “COVID” related deaths. That does change the narrative a bit, and might support a sudden alteration of the death curves.

      If anyone has more energy on this, please correct me.

      1. And… I stumbled across this almost immediately. Confirmed, the CDC is talking about vaccinated adults, not all COVID deaths.

        This feeds into the “vaccines prevent your death” narrative. And, you can expect the government to double/triple down on the mandates because of it. OSHA can enforce the mandate because you have a 75% lower chance of dying if you are vaccinated, etc…

  2. They’re still working on developing their talking points to cover for this. Some are claiming it’s ‘Omicron’ only when there’s been like 3 deaths from Omicron.

    CBMTTek is right on the money. The numbers are going to magically change and anyone who claims differently will be ‘fact checked’.

    1. But the main point is that they can’t just turn off the panic. Biden said that we’re headed for a “winter of death for the unvaccinated”, in the hope that it would convince the unvaxed to get the jab. But what it did was panic his vaxed supporters and flood the hospitals and testing centers with physically healthy (but mentally unstable) people.

  3. “All of this is about to bite the Democrats right in the ass.”

    And they are preparing for this – build back better basically got shit-canned in favor of “voting rights”. Why waste time on a massive spending bill when the midterms are coming up? Of course they have to shift focus. It will take this whole year to get the infrastructure in place to put their thumbs on the election. It worked for 2020, and while I think they can do it again they won’t be successful enough because some states have tightened up their election laws. That and I think people are pissed enough to vote some these Dem bums out.

    And as long as the states are in charge of their own elections, there can be a chance. But they are also fighting to federalize all elections. If this happens, Dems will be in power forever, or until their is a another CW to correct it.

  4. Of course, anyone who quotes verbatim the things they were saying just a few months ago will be shouted down, accused of spreading misinform, and Cancelled.

    Just like anyone who quotes the anti-vaccine rhetoric they were spreading prior to the election.

    1. Or those who remember that when the CCP virus first came out, is was welcomed with open arms by the Dems as “here is the magic bullet that will *finally* take down Trump”. Everything they did, from vaccine scaremongering to monster shutdowns and especially school shutdowns, was designed for that purpose.

  5. They’re about a week short of one year too late to start pushing back the fear porn. That horse done fled the stable a long time ago.

    It’s like the guy who goes to the company party at the bosses house who got stinking drunk, then picked a fight with his sons, groped his wife, smashed the heirloom china, and crapped on the beds showing up to work the next morning and wants to pretend nothing bad happened.

    They really really should have done this right as Trump was leaving office. But, all that power was right there, and they went for it like a crackhead after a rock.

    They’re really not all that smart. They’re not Machiavellian Super-genius Chessmasters. In fact, I’ve noticed that dictators, both those who are and the wannabes, very often tend to take the Stupidest Option.

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