Keith Ellison is the Democrat Congressman from Minnesota’s 5th district, which includes the city of Minneapolis, Minnesota’s largest city.

Keith Ellison has had a long standing relationship with Louis Farrakhan.

This Louis Farrakhan:

When trying to become the DNC Chair, he had to distance himself from Farrakhan.  He was so dishonest about his lack of relationship with Farrakhan that the Washington Post had to give it Four Pinocchios.

Mother Jones, on the other hand, was enamored by Ellison’s radical, Leftist, Marxist, Islamic politics, mentioning that Ellison was a Jew hater all the way back in college.

The center also invited Kwame Ture, the black-power activist formerly known as Stokely Carmichael, to give a speech, during which he called Zionism a form of white supremacy. Ellison, then a member of the Black Law Student Association, introduced him.

Keith Ellison is not running fro Congress again, instead he is running for MN State Attorney General.

The candidate he is putting his machine behind to be his successor is Ilhan Omar.  Omar is a Somali born woman who is a one term state representative.

This is from her Twitter feed:

That’s not good.

It’s okay.  She’s not a Jew hater, she’s just an anti-Zionist that thinks Israel is an evil, apartheid state.  That’s down right passe by Liberal standards, it might actually be an official DNC position by now.

I am not at all supersized by this.

I’m just curious about one thing.

As the Twin Cities Democrat Machine works to put Omar into office, I wonder how much longer it will take Jewish Democrats to realize the DNC is now the party of Jew hatred.


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By J. Kb

4 thoughts on “They are the party of tolerance and inclusion”
  1. Ha! You should live up and watch the antics and shenanigans the Minnesota DFL party goes through.

  2. I believe that jews in this country have their heads shoved so far up their ass that daylight a receding memory.

  3. “…how much longer it will take Jewish Democrats to realize the DNC is now the party of Jew hatred”

    When the yellow Stars of David come out.

  4. Ellison’s Fifth District includes the suburb of Saint Louis Park. Its nickname was Saint Jewish Park when I lived there. (My Mother still does). Senator Al Franken is from SLP. When I lived there my boss was Jewish, about a third of the kids I worked with were Jewish, and one of our busiest nights of the year was Christmas Day Night. A lot of the new immigrants then were Russian immigrants. Many Jewish people have retired and moved away in the succeeding 35 years, and many were replaced by gentiles. The newer immigrants are now from Africa and other areas. The Minneapolis-St.Paul area has doubled its population since then, and populations change.

    Unfortunately, I don’t see any protests against the DFL Machine’s candidate yet. They will have a separate nomination convention June 17th just for this district, since Keith bailed for the SOS election.

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