First New York and now Illinois

Democratic lawmakers in Illinois have drawn up a piece of legislation that would give extra cash to schools that reallocate funds toward replacing armed security officers with unarmed social workers and behavior therapists.
The controversial bill, proposed by Rep. Emanuel “Chris” Welch, D-Westchester, would offer grants to schools that use funds meant for school security and instead spend it on mental health services, including hiring social workers or implementing other practices “designed to promote school safety and healthy environments,” as The Associated Press reported.
16 other Democrats in the House have backed Welch’s plan.

Illinois Dems push bill rewarding schools that replace armed officers with therapists

We have idiot legislators (but I repeat myself) that actually want to bet the life of children on a plan that has zero chance of success and a high chance of creating more deaths? Kind words versus flying bullets, holy crap.

And we are the insane ones?

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

11 thoughts on “They do want another round of dead students.”
  1. Hey, those who majored in Social Work need to pay off their college loans somehow. Maybe they at least could be used a “meat shields”.

  2. The only power a government has is the power to crack down on criminals. When a government hasnt got enough power, it creates more criminals, thus allowing it to pass more laws.

    1. No one ever said politicians had any brains to see things in a logical manner. I guess that’s why they become politicians. Brains and logic apparently don’t reside in their cranium. Their brains area like leaves, they go where the winds of political insanity carries them. Better stop, I get my posts deleted. If you get this post you’re lucky or unlucky depending on how you see politicians.

  3. How can persons who have been elected to represent the interests of their constituents come up with such ridiculous, ineffective methods of addressing how to protect our number one product – our children.
    You can’t have an in school program which would protect students from a perpetrator coming from outside of the school.
    It takes a sheep dog to protect the sheep from the wolves.

  4. So at what point can we finally hold legislators criminally responsible for creating the conditions for these mass murder events? For actively working against the safety and well-being of their fellow citizens? And what of the school admins whom through state law are allowed to arm school staff but refuse to even allow armed resource officers?

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