So in the same vein of “Juden Verbotten,” “No Irish Need Apply” and  “No Negroes Allowed” fascism continues to expand in our Liberal Bastions.

Hat Tip RegularGuyGuns

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

9 thoughts on “They want you dead: Weekend edition.”
  1. So, will this chucklehead tranquilly accept their helicopter ride, simply because they do *not* support Mr. Trump?

    Thought not. “Rules for thee, not for me”

    Ammunition, and hard hearted friends. You can never have enough.

    It may make “The War of Northern Aggression”, appear positively….civil, in comparison.

    I pray we never find out.

    1. Yes, if there is a civil war, it will be a REAL civil war, which we’ve never had before. The closest thing we’ve had to a real civil war is the revolution, and that was actually pretty nasty. Neighbors denouncing each other, mutual confiscations of property, your safety dependent on appearing to agree with the majority of your neighbors, some regions going one way, others another. Thousands of people ruined for being on the “wrong” side (both patriots in Royalist areas during the war, and Royalists in patriot areas, and then all of the Royalists once the war was over, which was at least 1/3rd of the population). Lynchings, tar and feathers, beatings, angry mobs forcing conformity on independent thinkers. Our “Civil War” was not actually a civil war in the typical sense, it was a war between the South and the North, which were for all practical purposes two countries, with two different cultures, and each with their own government and military. Sure there were places where there was some overlap, where it was like a normal civil war (Kansas and Missouri, and numerous border counties), but in general it was much more like a normal war than a civil war. If we have war now, it’s likely to be civil war of the most disturbing, brutal, unpredictable sort, and most people are going to die murdered at the hands of mobs of their neighbors, not fighting in the front lines in battle.

  2. The funny thing (not funny “ha ha”; funny “uh oh”), is that this sentiment is extremely common among Biden/Harris supporters, but is extremely rare among Trump supporters.

    The problem is, the NYC media has repeated ad nauseum that all Trump supporters are evil, bigoted, violent white-supremacists who are just one election victory away from genociding (yes, I made that a verb) their political opponents, LGBTers, and minorities into oblivion. And denying that assertion is perceived as proof it must be true.

    We’re never going to “disprove” that. Even if we were to voluntarily disarm and meekly load ourselves into the boxcars, after we’re gone the Left will celebrate it as a great victory over the white supremacist insurrectionists in the righteous CW2 … after we attacked them unprovoked to kick it off.

    That’s the kind of rhetoric they spew now. There’s zero reason to expect they’ll suddenly find truth after they win, or that their followers will believe anything else.

    Carry your guns, carry extra ammo, and bring your friends who carry guns.

  3. Answer to that is any and all Trump supporters LEAVE and take thier jobs and businesses elsewhere. Let portland be a liberal utopia fuk em. Then build a wall around it.

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