There is something weird going on.

He confronted the woman, Safiya Satchell, 33, as she sat in a Mercedes SUV. In his arrest report, he claimed that Satchell refused to get out of the car so he could issue her a warning for trespassing.

He claimed that he tried opening the door and she closed the window on his hand, then began “striking me,” he claimed. Once Martel got out of the SUV, he claimed she resisted by “tensing and kicking,” then punched him on the lip. He twice used a Taser stun gun.

Defense lawyers for Satchell turned over the video — taken by Satchell’s friend — to Miami-Dade prosecutors and FDLE. Investigators determined that the video showed Martel’s arrest report contained several false statements. He’s charged with official misconduct for the arrest report.

Miami Gardens police officer to be charged after video shows him with knee on woman’s neck

There is an alleged video showing the incident which “has yet to be released publicly” but when the news initially was released some days ago, there was a video shown of a tussle and a knee pressed against the upper back of a person but not the neck. I tried to find the video for this post, but it seems I can’t find it all of the sudden, Weird.

I find disturbing that the Herald says he will be charged with Battery and Official Misconduct, when he has already been only charged with the second. What would be the idea behind this?

Mind you, Miami Gardens PD doe not have a stellar reputations for professionalism or public relations and you won’t see me being a fan of them. But I think this smells at the Herald trying to get something started that can get out of hand and then they can write about it.

That would be playing a dangerous game.





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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

3 thoughts on “This is not done on purpose to incite violence?”
  1. “But I think this smells at the Herald trying to get something started that can get out of hand and then they can write about it.”

    If it bleeds, it leads. MSM motto for decades.
    And since the stupid seems to be at the order of the day in 2020, it is indeed a dangerous game they’re playing.

    I will laugh my ass off when they get the CNN treatment and their HQ’s are attacked by the same mob they helped create. These so-called journalists never seem to get that their exceedingly biased reporting is a double-edged sword that will eventually cut them as well.
    They are either severely obtuse or keep doing this crap on purpose because they think they’re invulnerable by the kowtowing to the libtards.
    Maybe they should ask Jimmy Kimmel how’s that working out for him lately. 😉

  2. I mentioned about a week ago the reports of “black men found hanged” — reports that carefully left out that they had committed suicide. Somebody sure is slanting reports.

  3. The real problem is not really the media. It is really the average idiot, er…. I mean person. They read a hyped headline, and decide they know the facts. Next thing you know, houses are burning down, and people are dying.

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