How, as a Leftist, do you get ahead in a presidential primary race that is chocked full of other Leftists?  How do you distinguish yourself?

The answer seems to be, by going even further Left to out radicalize your opponents.

Eric Swalwell – or as one blogger nicknamed him “Douche Nuke ’em” – began his run on gun control, because he’s an unimpressive white man and can’t run on intersectionality points.

But that has gotten Swalwell some TV time, which Cory Booker wants, so Booker had to up the ante on gun control.

Recently Booker dropped his gun control plan, and it sucks.

Keep guns out of the wrong hands with gun licensing:

Just as a driver’s license demonstrates a person’s eligibility and proficiency to drive a car, a gun license demonstrates that a person is eligible and can meet certain basic safety and training standards necessary to own a gun.

Here’s how it would work: Individuals could seek a gun license at a designated local office, widely available in urban and rural areas, similar to applying for or renewing a passport. They would submit fingerprints, provide basic background information, and demonstrate completion of a certified gun safety course.

The FBI would then verify submission of required materials and run a comprehensive background check before issuing a federal gun license, after which the license-holder could freely purchase and own firearms. The license would be valid for up to five years before renewal with regular, automatic checks to flag non-compliance with license terms.

So he wants national gun licencing.


How does he expect to get upwards of 200 Million people to get licences.  How does he expect the goverment to process 200 million applications.  How does he expect the FBI to handle 200 million sets of fingerprints.

In Illinois, instructors had to be certified.  Before the first training class is done, the government has to certify instructors, how is it possibly going to do that across the entire country.

This is a disaster waiting to happen.  It will bog down to a stop and no licences will be issued.

That’s not the flaw, that’s a feature.

Bring real regulation and oversight to gun manufacturers:

Nowadays, there is more regulation over toy guns than real ones. While medicine, children’s toys, and any number of other consumer products are subject to regulation by the federal government, firearms are exempt.

In other words, gun manufacturers have little incentive to make their products safer. Cory will work to close this loophole in federal oversight and allow the Consumer Product Safety Commission to ensure gun safety by making safety warnings and issuing recalls for faulty firearms.

Guns are extremely safe.  This isn’t going to do anything to make guns safer for the lawful user.  This is a way to use the CPSC to crack down on gun companies on behalf of people who were hurt by their own negligence or were the victims of wrongful use, i.e., crimes.

End legal immunity that prevents victims of gun violence from seeking justice:

While civil liability can be applied to sellers and manufacturers of nearly every product, as a result of a 2005 law the gun industry is immune from nearly all lawsuits. The Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA) allows the gun industry to ignore public safety implications of the misuse of their products, such as gun trafficking.

Cory will fight to end gun industry immunity by repealing PLCAA and allow victims of gun violence to have their day in court when a gun dealer or manufacturer has acted negligently.

The PLCAA doesn’t protect gun makers or sellers from negligence.  Booker wants to end the PLCAA to make the bullshit lawsuit against Remington by the Sandy Hook families the norm.

Require handgun microstamping:

Microstamping is technology that allows law enforcement to identify the source of ammunition used in crimes by making a shell casing traceable to the specific gun that fired the round. Unfortunately, in many cases, there is little evidence left behind at crime scenes, resulting in a homicide “clearance rate” of just 62 percent. Microstamping technology would allow law enforcement to trace crime guns as soon as a shell casing is found, helping to prevent future crimes from occurring.

Cory will fight to require that microstamping technology be incorporated into new models of semi-automatic handguns sold in the United States.

Translation = “Make handguns prohibitively expensive by mandating easily defeated technology.”

Close the “Boyfriend Loophole”:

The risk of homicide in a domestic violence incident increases by 500 percent with the presence of a gun. Cory will make closing the “Boyfriend Loophole” a top priority.

Make gun owners afraid to go on a date.

Ensure a background check on every gun sale by closing the loophole on guns show and online sales and the so-called “Charleston Loophole”:

Background checks are foundational to any gun safety policy, but loopholes in current law allow individuals to purchase guns in private sales from strangers without a background check. Current law requires that federally licensed firearms dealers conduct background checks on individuals seeking to purchase a firearm in commercial transactions, but prohibited purchasers — such as criminals and domestic abusers — can exploit this loophole simply by finding an unlicensed seller.

Universal background checks through an FFL.  Also, the “Charleston Loophole” is the automatic proceed after three days.  This can be used too kill gun sales by placing people on an indefinite hold.

Ban assault weapons, high-capacity magazines, and bump stocks:

Large capacity ammunition magazines and assault weapons have been present in many mass shootings in the US, made for no other purpose than to kill people quickly and efficiently.

Yes, and Venezuela just proved why it’s important for Americans to have these kinds of guns.

Call on the IRS to conduct an investigation into the NRA’s tax status:

Currently, the NRA is exempt from federal tax under section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code. Cory is calling on the IRS to investigate whether certain activities recently reported in the news media should lead to revocation of its tax-exempt status.

Barack Obama’s using the IRS to harass conservative groups went from hidden scandal to out in the open policy.

Booker wants full gun licenses, gun registration, and an assault weapons ban.

So he knows who has guns, what kinds of guns they have, and will use this info to take those guns away.

If people refuse to comply, it sounds like Booker wants to send them to jail.

This explains why Booker, the radical Leftist, didn’t side with Bernie or the rest of the Democrat clown car on letting felons vote from prison.

He doesn’t want all the gun owners he threw in prison to vote.

This is Booker’s big plan.  Let all the drug dealers out of prison and throw gun owners – who were all law abiding until Booker was sworn in – in prison.

Is Bernie wants to bring Maduro’s economy to the US, Booker wants to bring Maduro’s oppression to the US.

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By J. Kb

10 thoughts on “This is why Booker made a modicum of sense”
  1. “Bernie wants to bring Maduro’s economy to the US, Booker wants to bring Maduro’s oppression to the US.”

    Sounds like a Lefty fever dream ticket to me. Biden could be Secretary of Grope, I mean State.

  2. “…gun manufacturers have little incentive to make their products safer.”

    We’re using the same words, but different definitions. To POG “safety” means the firearm doesn’t discharge when it’s not supposed to, goes bang every time the trigger is pulled and doesn’t blow up in your face. In those terms modern firearms are safer than they have ever have been. Of course there is still the problem of operator error.

    To Mr. Booker, “safer” means that no one gets hurt or killed by a firearm, not the operator, not innocent bystanders, not the bad guy, no one. There are “guns” that meet these criteria, they’re called “blue guns” or “training guns.” I’m sure Mr. Booker would welcome have his security personnel armed with “blue guns.”

  3. If he can demand a license for a constitutionally enumerated right, I demand he be licensed for that speech. I’ll run the licensing board.

    Yeah, I know what I said is stupid and unconstitutional. Does he know what he said is?

  4. Illinois requires a foid card issued by the state police. I am sure that all the game members in Chicago have foid cards. They don’t follow any other laws but must follow gun laws right??? Booker is an idiot

  5. “Current law requires that federally licensed firearms dealers conduct background checks on individuals seeking to purchase a firearm in commercial transactions, but prohibited purchasers — such as criminals and domestic abusers — can exploit this loophole simply by finding an unlicensed seller.”
    That’s pretty comical. He’s saying (but apparently not understanding) that criminals don’t obey laws and aren’t affected by permit requirements because they will go to a street criminal seller who doesn’t bother with background checks. Well, duh.

  6. Gun licensing? I say, YES.

    Let me break that down:

    Booker: “… a driver’s license demonstrates a person’s eligibility and proficiency to drive a car…”

    Yes. Drive a car. Not “own” a car. Drive a car.

    In public.

    Booker: “… a gun license demonstrates that a person is eligible and can meet certain basic safety and training standards necessary to own a gun.”

    Own AND carry it.

    In public.

    It’s a “driver’s license”, not a “car-owner’s license”.

    Anything else is apples-to-oranges. Or apples-to-Volkswagens. But Booker made the “license guns like we do cars” argument. Stick it to him.

    Again, to be clear, I’m generally against licensing for most things on principle, including both driving and gun ownership/carry; they’re unconstitutional and mostly unnecessary. But Booker brought it up. Stick it to him.

  7. “The risk of homicide in a domestic violence incident increases by 500 percent with the presence of a gun.”

    I checked the math. He is right!

    The chance of me killing my wife or child is p-zero.

    500p = 0.

    See, Cory, I can play with probability and statistics too! Plus I’m better at it since I actually understand the math.

  8. Swallwell can be SecDef so when the gun owners refuse to obey, they can begin dropping nukes all over the country.

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