If you follow the Sun Sentinel, today you would see this headline.

New video shows school cop Scot Peterson hiding as gunman shoots Parkland students

Here is the video.  I used the Daily Mail version because it is in YouTube.

Coward County deputy Scot Peterson hit like a chicken shit while he listened to 17 kids get murdered.

This is a heavily Democrat county with a big Hillary supporter at Sheriff and an nearly all Democrat local government.

Just like Chicago, Detroit, and elsewhere, they can’t blame themselves for the death toll, so it has to be the guns and closest Republican in proximity.

This is nothing more that deflection and covering their own ass.  Clearly that is the one thing Broward County employees can do well.

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By J. Kb

One thought on “This is why the Dems are pounding Kavanaugh on guns”
  1. “This is nothing more that deflection and covering their own ass.”

    Pretty much progtard’s SOP, since it is always *someone* else’s fault.

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