Hurricanes Harvey and Irma have done an enormous amount of damage to Texas and Florida.

For those on the far end of the political Left, what to do about this is simple: round people up and put them in concentration camps.

The great past time of The Left is persecution and mass murder.  That is what they really excel at.  For them, there is no problem that can’t be solved by just putting the right group of people in a prison camp or mass grave.

The Science is Settled™ and Harvey and Irma were the result of global warming man made climate change.  The people who doubt that must be punished.

Operate a blog questioning the validity of climate change claims and The Left thinks your children should be burned alive.

For the Leftist propagandists at The Nation, Climate Denial™ is murder.

Many other experts have issued warnings, starting with NASA scientist James Hansen’s landmark 1988 Senate testimony that global warming had begun and, if left unchecked, would threaten the future of human civilization. Recent years have also brought abundant evidence that shifting to wind power, less meat-heavy diets, and other climate-friendly alternatives would result in lasting economic and health benefits: more jobs, less inequality, cleaner air, stronger communities…

With Hurricane Irma churning toward Florida, the horrors and heartbreaks will only get worse until we change the game for their perpetrators. The first step toward justice is to call things by their true names. Murder is murder, whether the murderers admit it or not. Punish it as such, or we encourage more of the same.  

The logic here is, that if we ate just a fewer steaks and didn’t buy as many SUVs starting in 1989, Houston would not have flooded in 2017.  Of course there is no way to know that.  But it’s not about science but Science™ and Science™ says that the people who ate steak and drove V8’s after 1988 committed murder in Houston and should be punished for it.

The people who do not believe in Science™ should be forced onto a government registry so they can be dealt with in an appropriate manner.

Of course, not believing in the climate diktat should be a crime and people should be jailed and shamed for it.

This is really, truly, all The Left knows how to do.  Disagree with their stance on an issue and it is off to the gulag with you.

They murdered 100 million people in the 20th century over income inequity.  How many people do they feel they need to murder over climate change?

My only question for them is this:

When the Nazis exterminated 6 million Jews and 5 million other dissidents and undesirables, they did it with cyanide and crematoriums.  Cyanide is environmentally toxic and cremating millions of people would create a hell of a carbon footprint.  Just how do they indent to bring about the final solution to the global warming question in an eco friendly way?

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By J. Kb

7 thoughts on “This time it’s the weather”
  1. Kind compassinate caring liberals. I have weather record books going back 10+ years. Pick a day in any month and for that day the weather is just about the same…. my mom has records from the 90s,guess what! Just about the same….
    But science(tm)is ” settled” ya, ok.

  2. “Just how do they indent (sic) to bring about the final solution to the global warming question in an eco friendly way?”

    You are asking this of a group where their leaders routinely fly in private jets, are driven about in caravans of gas guzzling SUVs, and think nothing of having eco-conferences attended by thousands in the farthest corners of the world? They do not care about the Environment, they only care about power, and the privilege that comes with the power. Environmentalism is their path to power and control.

    They will happily use nuclear weapons to destroy half the world if that will eliminate us untermenschen.

  3. Operate a blog questioning the validity of climate change claims and The Left thinks your children should be burned alive.

    Are they trying to burn NOAA to the ground? They just put out that report a couple of weeks ago saying that they see no detectable evidence of climate change affecting hurricanes.

    Does that mean they have to kill off the part of the government that studies this stuff?

  4. If you eat, breathe, wear clothes, or expend energy, then it’s your fault there are hurricanes. Tell him that.

  5. “Just how do they indent to bring about the final solution to the global warming question in an eco-friendly way?”
    Pedal powered wood chipper? Maybe then they can use us to fertilize their organic quinoa.

  6. Well that was remarkably intellectually dishonest, characterizing people that disagree with you are Monsters who want to burn you alive and put you in camps. Is that how you view America?

    1. If you follow the link(s), you read how specific leftists have espoused those very beliefs. So, no, it’s how specific residents of America, plan to deal with those who disagree with *them*. We, on the other hand, anticipate them acting upon those beliefs, and do not plan on placidly admiring their technique. Thanks for playing!

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