The only reason Democrats applaud this decision made by Bush 41 is because it cost him the re-election. Remember, this is a president that was basically anointed by Reagan and had successfully won a war against Saddam and yet few conservatives, military and certainly almost no Gun Owners voted for him.  Even his son Bush 43 knew better than talk crap against the NRA.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

10 thoughts on “Those who forget history: “Jack-Booted Thugs.””
  1. Trying to relive glory moments from 20+ years ago. Yeah, that says a lot about how well you’re faring. How long are they going to last after Watts goes into politics?

      1. “Come hang out with us and be on the same side as Smilin’ George Bush! ”

        …said no successful movement ever.

  2. Moreover, it’s unlikely that this comment cost him the election. More likely a certain very clear “read my lips” promise blatently broken.

    1. That is the accepted narrative and I agree it influenced, but if you lose the militarily vote and the gun owners vote (and he did) which are supposed to be your hardcore voters, you are fucked.
      Presidents lose elections when his people simply do not vote, not necessarily that they vote for the other guy or gal.
      Miami Rep De La Portilla lost his re-election bid after he shafted gun owners who simply did not vote for him. He lost to a totally unknown Dem newbie with barely a campaign and certainly no money. De La Portilla had the money (At least $80K declared) and the Bloomberg machinery.

      1. I remember the 92 election and remember clearly Bill Clinton working hard to convince gun owners he was “one of them” or at least no threat.
        Bush the Lesser’s defeat was the spawn of a hundred fathers, but yes his AWB was certainly part of things.

  3. History: it is what it is, and not always what you WANT it to be.

    The term “jack-booted government thugs” had been coined by United States Representative John David Dingell Jr., Democrat of Michigan, in 1981, referring to ATF agents, and came to be frequently repeated by the NRA.

    So Wayne was REPEATING (and probably expanding upon) a statement made by a Democrat (the party most commonly perceived as siding with Gun Grabbers) a full 15 YEARS prior to the flyer in question which came hot on the heels of Ruby Ridge and Waco*.

    1. If, in fact, GHWB’s election loss can be attributed to his statements made while leaving the NRA, then arguably the takeaway is that a majority of Americans agreed with the NRA (and by extension Rep. Dingell) in their assessment of ‘federal law enforcement’ agencies (institutional) if not the personnel (individuals).

      *’law enforcement agencies’ involved in the two cases included not only the ATF, but also FBI, DEA, Federal Marshals, Hostage Rescue Teams, and the U.S. DA’s Office.

      (Had to split my comment. Post Comment button gets hidden if text is too long)

  4. Don’t forget that H. Ross “Crazy aunt in the bedroom” Perot siphoned off approximately 20% of the “moderate” vote that would otherwise likely have gone to Bush. The trifecta of “read my hips,” trashing the NRA, and Perot doomed G. H. W. B.

    Ironically, many nationally known Democrat contenders gave the ’92 primaries a pass because “Bush was unbeatable” leaving the field to an obscure Arkansas governor.

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