If you have a landline or VoIP with unlimited long distance, it is time to use it. I have been using Ruger’s Take Action Now and Smith & Wesson’s Preserve America’s Rights pages to blast my reps weekly but I fear that might not be either enough or easy to ignore by a dedicated gun unfriendly aid. I will still use the very wonderful app but I decided it is time to add faxing to my efforts. It is possibly that politicians may not print them all or any, but if they do, I am planning on burning through their office supply budget on paper alone.

Another advantage of the fax is that you can target Senators and Congres-people outside your regular district. I have seen “Contact Your…..” which inform you that they will only take voters of their state or district which is fine in regular times, but these are far from regular and there are some people in Congress that need, shall we say an extra dose of backbone… don’t ask me why, but Speaker of the House John Boehner comes to mind.

Apparently while I was not looking, computers have shed their modems. I shall spare you the ignominy of me looking for the phone jack and shall direct your attention to the fact that modems now come in USB form and are rather cheap. I bought this particular modem from Amazon and rather cheap. It was plug & play and tested against the wife fax at work.

According to Sebastian, the Senate is gonna go for legislation on Universal Background Checks and Magazine Bans, so it is time we turn the heat up once again to surface-of-planet-Mercury settings. Let’s get cracking! Write and use them unlimited Long Distance for something other than calling the In-Laws and give them an excuse not to come visit.

PS: How outdated Faxes are? Jetpack spellchecker you flagged the word “fax” as a mispell.
Damn I feel old.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

3 thoughts on “Time to use the Unlimited Long Distance Calls.”
  1. hold the red hot poker to their nuts. eventually they might even get the point…not likely mind you but. *shrug* Miguel…you’d be stunned at the words that auto spell check programs in EVERY webpage tag as misspelled….

  2. Most offices use a fax server that receives faxes electronically and sends them to an email box.

    The days of making people consume fax supplies is long gone.

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