Not to many days ago, the Opposition was swooning about an open letter that Tom Arnold had published in The Hollywood Reporter about his nephew’s suicide and then hit the TV circuit to keep pushing the Anti Gun agenda.

Tom Arnold

But at least two people were less than pleased of his antics:

In light of his nephew’s suicide, actor and Iowa native Tom Arnold penned a column to The Hollywood Reporter expressing the need for more gun control.His nephew was a 24-year-old National Guard veteran who Arnold wrote was “kicked out” of the Army after he attempted suicide.
Wendy Burkle of Ottumwa was previously married to Arnold’s brother, Mark Arnold. They are parents of the man Arnold wrote about. She said that the piece was full of false information — including the claim that her son was kicked out of the Army after a suicide attempt.“His dad and I would like to let everyone know that we believe that (Arnold) has embellished the story to make it Hollywood worthy,” Burkle said.
She said  she has asked Arnold to stop using her son’s name in his writing.

Source: Iowa mother calls Tom Arnold’s column misleading

So, the scumbag went on an intellectual grave robbing mission, how nice of him. Who told him it was a good idea not to consider the feelings of the parent and to just lie to get some air time?

Hey, but that is not all. Arnold doubles down on the stupid! From the same article above:

Arnold said he supports a bill that would give veterans annual mental and physical health checkups.

Hmmm, that sounds strangely like a mandate to me. Is Arnold saying that all Vets are ticking time bombs that could go off any time and we need to keep close track of them?

I think we can safely tell the former Mr. Barr to go perform an unnatural sexual act upon himself.

Hat Tip to Josh S.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

6 thoughts on “Tom Arnold’s Gun Control Necrophilia”
  1. How can we convince the low information voters that Democrats are just a bunch of wannabe Dictators?
    That is the only reason they are so anti-gun and want us disarmed.

  2. It will get ignored by the sound bite generation… they go by ‘feelz’ not by reality, and who cares about the parents, they ‘drove’ the kid to suicide anyway, right??? /sarc off

  3. “I think we can safely tell the former Mr. Barr to go perform an unnatural sexual act upon himself.”

    He was married to Roseanne Barr. An unnatural sex act for him might be a little hard to define.

    1. He was Mr. Roseanne Barr? That is how he was famous?
      I thought he was related to the “Green Acres” Arnold?

  4. Those who wish to disarm us routinely use the dead to further their aims. However, Arnold’s fabrications are a new low for the Hollywood Left.

  5. “Arnold said he supports a bill that would give veterans annual mental and physical health checkups.
    Hmmm, that sounds strangely like a mandate to me.”

    That’s exactly what it sounds like. I would like to point out though, that veterans can get a voluntary physical or mental health checkup at any VA hospital and for free if they can’t otherwise afford to pay for it. Furthermore, vets can get some free services from the VA even without a service connected injury or disability. If a vet signs up for services through VA, they are also covered for insurance requirements under the ACA, for free. The VA also provides meds at a reduced cost with a monthly and annual max limit that the vet has to pay. While VA hospitals aren’t the quickest way to see a doctor, they are pretty good at keeping appointment times.

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