If we want to end the pandemic of rape, it’s going to require an entire global movement of men willing to do the hard work of interrogating the ideas they were raised with

via Toxic Masculinity.

So you raise generations of males in the belief that they need not to hold their urges, that they are to be rewarded no matter what the behavior, that there are no consequences for their actions. Then you raise generations of women with the conflicting message that they can be what they want but they better not be other than victims depending on males or the government and you come to bitch about rape being the epidemic we are having right now?

I am not gonna toot the idea that older times were better. Certainly rape has been a big problem through the ages and will remain with us for as long as the human race exists, but you cannot ignore the fact that when rape was a crime that exacted harsh retribution, women were less of a target. But as with most violent crime, the political monkeys of the 60s decided that rapists were poor lost souls that needed understanding and therapy to overcome their “sickness.”

And yes, there were plenty of cases back then that were never reported because of the shame associated with it, but there were also men that suddenly had “accidents” such as mutilations, deadly falls, combine mishaps and even hunting accidents that made them part of a fertile soil. Even in the wildest towns of the Wild West, the fastest way to end up beaten to a pulp was to address a woman with unkind language and forced sex was usually followed by a long stretch of hanging from a short rope.

There is no need to do “hard work” to reign in rape: Get a rapist, get a dull machete, apply cut. Word will get out soon enough and the “joy” of assaulting females will be something to be seriously reconsidered….. that’s if the females do not retrain the attackers with a proper application of ballistic therapy first.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

14 thoughts on “Toxic Masculinity? How about Toxic Political Indoctrination?”
  1. I’ve always been partial to the old Greek solution. The victim is given a rope, a knife and a ring. Her choice to enslave the animal, kill/emasculate him or to marry him; and she is allowed to have a stand-in for the accomplishment of the choice.
    Works for me……

  2. I’ve always been a fan of the deterence theory. If that pretty little sorority girl walking home from the library at 0234 may be concealing a Ruger LCP in the waist band of her jeans, then maybe dipshit rapist would think twice about dealing with his repressed male urges.

    1. there are 3 points to consider:
      1. when you are so drunk or high that even if you had the “means ” to defend yourself you could not

      2, the people you call friends stand by and let it happen to you,

      3 . you made both of these choices.

      1. And nbone of those three above mattered in the scenario I listed.
        Stereotypes be damned, but most folks I knew, boys and girls both, didn’t get drunk or high at the library. You know, we went there to study.

        Alot of times I went there along, as did most people.

        And at my school, atleast, the few incidents of rape were the results of violent attacks on girls alone, at night, on campus.

      2. kart: there has to be also a certain level of responsibility from a person to avoid the attack. You can only poke a dog so many times before it bites you. It does not make it “right” but you cannot claim 100% “innocenthood” either. Young People feel invincible or protected by the force field of good luck; we all did it and we learned the sad truth, some paid a steeper price.
        Play Stupid Games. Win Stupid Prices.

        1. Thank you Miguel. Been saying the same thing for years.

          As soon as people start talking about guns and college things get all confused because partying and illicit drug use is automatically assumed. This is like the assumption that an its make that all gun owners are violent. While partying gets the most attention because like with everything else its the fuckheads that get the most attention because they the the loudest and dumbest, that culture does not accurately represent the majority of a campus. It is also assumed that just because college is mentioned that people can no longer make good decisions. Again much the same reasons to blame; the dumbasses get the most attention and that becomes the basis of everyone s opinions and reasons for “protecting college kids from themselves”. There are more 21year olds on campuses capable of making good decisions than poor decisions.

          1. I wager the partiers are more likely to be the ones in favor of banning guns on campus, anyway.

            Like the picture of the little girl with the AR-15 said. “My parents teach me personal responsibility. What do you teach your kids?”

  3. Well it’s a good thing, then, that I have interrogated all of the ideals I was raised with.

    I interrogated the ideal that a gentleman never strikes a lady. It turns out women can hit just as hard as men can, and they’re more likely to use weapons and go for “weak” points(find me a man who would attack a woman in the breasts. Now find me a woman who will kick a man in the groin.).

    I interrogated the ideal that women are always to be protected and defended. It turns out women are more able to play the victim to turn large groups of men on an innocent male victim because of this ideal, and a large number of them are entirely too willing to try.

    I interrogated the ideal that women are good and innocent. History has shown that matriarchal societies are generally more violent, more warlike, and more prone to abuse of their own minorities(especially when those minorities are men) than patriarchal societies are.

    So yes, I’ve done the hard work of interrogating the ideals I was raised with, and the conclusions I’ve come to are that modern society has decided caucasian males are acceptable targets for any and all kinds of abuse. I decided it was time for me to stand up for my own rights for a change.

  4. I hate every one of these “we need to rethink masculinity” opinions. We “rethought” masculinity, and now we are seeing the backlash. We stopped raising boys to be men, because it was suddenly bad to be a man. Want marry, have a good job, take care of a wife and children? That is now sexist. Do you believe that the virtues of man (self reliance, moral convictions, honor) are the bedrock of a good society? Thats discriminatory.

    I was a Boy Scout, an Eagle, with palms. I love the virtues that Boy Scouts taught. Now, the only time you hear about the Boy Scouts is when some Celeb is protesting their stance on gays or athiests. No mention about what Scouting teaches: “a Scout is Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty,
    Brave, Clean, Reverent.” Great vaules for a boy to have.

    Generations of boys have been raised that if they play rough and tumble, they are drugged into submission. If they try to be self reliant, they are selfish. If they “man up” and “soldier on” in the face of adversity, they are not in touch with their feelings and need counseling. Boys are raised to watch husbands and fathers on TV be stupid, boorish, fools who need babying from their smart, always right, wives. Young men in college are taught that they are all “potential rapists” and oppressors. Now that we have taken everthing that it meant to be a man and turned it into a sin, we are suddenly amazed that the product of this “rethinking” is a bunch of adult children with no morals or convictions.

    1. I also could not agree more. Having recently come from the liberal arts and having studied privilege and oppression (philosophy major; ethics, feminist theory, and social and political philosophy) I can tell you that as a white middle class male these classes would make you feel like the most reviled person in existence sometimes. So the focus does become changing men and “male culture” to better suite another groups views. The hilarious irony of this is that these oppressed groups end up doing the exact thing to others that was done to them in the process of trying to change things; they marginalize, they reduce a diverse group to generalizations, they single out, and they discriminate. That is where I loose respect for them and their views and can no longer take them seriously. If they were philosophically consistent they would not be trying to make the world a better place through the same methods they are trying to do away with. Fortunately some address this but it had not gained the traction necessary and obviously as with anything else there will always be extreme or radical beliefs and groups or schools of thought. My overall experience though was that this fact was ignored or marginalized as not as important or it was underrepresented. It is also extremely difficult to argue from the position of most hated that “hey I didn’t do anything wrong” because people don’t want to listen or cognitive dissonance comes into play.

  5. Right now we’ve got a little over a generation marinated in rap videos and lyrics:
    Women are bitches and whores
    Getting stoned or drunk is a fine entertainment
    You decide you’ve been dissed, it’s a good thing to beat, cripple or kill someone
    Your little group against everyone else, no matter the damage(‘Drive-bys are good’)
    Young (mainly)black males have had it the worst in this; add that to the destruction of the black family by ‘caring, compassionate’ modern liberalism, and you get Chicago. And 17-year-old males who think murdering a baby is fine, as long as you’re all pissed-off about the mom not having any money for you to steal.

    Mix all that with the “Men suck” messaging, and what do the clowns involved expect?

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