The training is called A.L.I.C.E.  and stand for Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter and Evacuate. It is the plan/guidelines used by some schools in Florida as response to an Active Shooter Situation:

ALERT- Alert others of the assailant on campus or property. Use radios, intercoms, telephones, etc.
LOCKDOWN- Lockdown if you are in a room with a door that can be secured and barricaded.
INFORM- Call 911 when it’s safe to do so. DO NOT assume someone else is calling 911
COUNTER-By placing time and distance between you and the assailant. Use distractions, barricades, evacuation and whatever other means it take to survive.
EVACUATE- When safe to do so, remove yourself away from the threat. Use windows, doors, etc. to escape danger.

Here is a couple of videos. The first one is the butch part an unknown school system training

I am not an expert but the “pat down the cowlick on the back of his head” does not strike me as an effective strategy. I would personally go for breaking an arm or strangling the asshole to death or even using a pen and stab the hell out of the side of his neck. This video creates a false expectation that once you touch the shooter, he will surrender and you are safe.  This is a frigging Active Shooter, a Killer, not a game of “tag, you are it.” You just grabbed a tiger by the tail and you better have a plan to deal with the effing claws.

Here we have a much longer video from the Marion County School System.  Just jump to 19:39 straight to the explanation of ALICE. You will bypass the stats and history part of the show via Death By PowerPoint boredom and that includes one map extracted from Everytown’s School Shooting database which I have covered before on its accuracy .


Once you have seen what ALICE means and probably catch more than one contradiction, stroll to 32:30 where the fun begins: Hands on demonstrations. You may want to laugh, but it is a sad thing as again reinforces the false expectation that the protocol will save your life.  I have a rifle and I go by a room with windows for a wall and I am not looking inside? And the tables on their side are not a big flag saying “People are hiding here!”? Oh hell yes, bullets will go in.

The second to last part (34:50) was the somewhat useful section, till I realized it is a tad insulting:  Improvised Door Barricades? I am sure more than one teacher will go “I am not waiting for the shooter to show up on campus to McGyver my way into securing the door, I am going to have something already concocted in my garage inside the classroom.  Thank you for showing me a mechanical solution but I will rig my own crap. ”

And the last one (36:59)  was another dumb misrepresentation: A call is made of an Active Shooter and the teacher and kids barricade the door without a hint of stress on them…. because stress was not inoculated to the scenario.  I would like to see if that ballet would have been so elegant if I was in there screaming my lungs off at them while firing blanks. Oh shit, I forgot, we must not traumatize the teachers and kiddies with a dose of realism. Maybe we can do competitions? Have 2 or 3 classes in one room and see who does it faster and better while the others boo and catcall them? Nope, we can’t do that either so the feeling ain’t hurt and still you would have to say everybody did great because everybody is a winner without having to put the effort.

My take, outside a couple of good ideas, this is just an institutional placebo for teachers.

PS: One of the instructors, Tyler Collins is a former police officer and allegedly has a spotted past  including a violent action that ended his employment at a Law Enforcement department and is being sued.  I am not confirming or denying anything since I have not been able to find a photo of Collins in any article mentioning his name and action, but I felt the information needed to be posted. 

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

3 thoughts on “Training for Active Shooters in Schools. Realistic?”
  1. And you have to be damn careful telling school personal that their ideas create a negative pressure differential. Or that they are ignoring X, Y or Z. Or just about anything else.

    The mere fact that you notice a weak point is enough to get you on watch lists. “Hey school people, I have training in passive defense system from my time with this entity, here are things you can do to improve your defensive perimeter with little or no extra cost.”

    Stupid stuff, like the thousands of dollars spent at a local school to upgrade all the doors to “bullet proof” glass. But the doors sit right next big plate glass windows. And those windows were not “upgraded”.

    The wonderful idea of creating a man trap on entry to the school. Enter the building, get buzzed into the reception area. Get escorted to the entire school by being buzzed out. But the door behind the secretaries is open to the main office which is open to the rest of the school and the half door between the people area and the secretaries is open…. Hmmm, can I see an issue with this?

    Or the fact that it is a timed buzz in or out.

    I sure as hell can’t tell anybody anything about the weaknesses because then they all look at me as “the bad guy” when what I’m attempting to do is make their parameter better.

    1. And don’t you dare try telling them that you think active shooter drills are a bigger waste of time than holding severe snowstorm drills in Hawaii… That means you hate the children.

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