The 28th Amendment is the new troll- website against Gun Ownership. I read its proposals and I had a good laugh!

The address given is for Washington University in Missouri and the contact email is…sure signs that some idiotic freshman or sophomore had a wee bit too much medical marihuana. 

Dear StabaGunNut, save yourself the aggravation and just ask for the elimination of the Bill Of Rights. It will be cheaper and easier in the very long and long run.

OK, enough time wasted on this thing.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

13 thoughts on “Trayvon’s Amendment…. Somebody’s kid is having fun at College”
  1. I got a message when I tried to follow the link.

    The website is temporarily unable to service your request as it exceeded resource limit. Please try again later.

    It’s after noon so I guess all the college kids are out of bed and surfing.

  2. I find it ironic that the proposed 28th amendment website will accept revenue dollars for ads that include guns. Below is a link to the screenshot I saved this past hour that includes an advertisement featuring a popular video game, which is sure to attract click-throughs and additional $ for this website.

    Funny. Ironic. Hypocritical.

    Oh yeah. And the contents of the proposed amendments seem like an emotional response, not a logical one. No laws should ever be constructed this way without deep, rational consideration about the capricious and subjective nature of this one-sided view.

  3. “stab a gun nut” @ gmail . com sounds like a threat of violence to me.

    Of course, he’d be exonerated of all charges on account of he’s buying into the fascist government overreach.

  4. I’ve noticed that he decided to stop regulating comments. Lat I check he was well over 2K comments. Guess he couldn’t have Reasoned Discourse (TM) with such a massive response.

  5. When considering that gun rights groups are to be designated as “terrorist groups”, it’s clear that this person is very anti-first amendment, too. This is a reminder that we can’t pick and choose what rights we are going to support!

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