I don’t like to go much into politics that are not gun-related, but I had to make an exception for this tweet:

I swear I was not aware that the mass killings had begun and I was upset nobody told me.

Obviously, hilarity ensued:

Selected replies for your enjoyment.

And who is this person? Besides totally nuts, he is a drain of Taxpayer’s money:

Yes, he is certified to teach your kids. Do you feel better now?

Now back to our regular programming.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

14 thoughts on “Trump Derangement Syndrome in full glory.”
  1. THIS is why I like Trump. I think he sucks as a politician and he does way too many stupid things for my liking, but this makes it all worth while. I enjoy how he lives rent free in some people’s heads. Even friends i had once thought to be rational Democrats just can’t stop talking about him. And it makes me smile.

  2. Of course he teaches college. If sjw’s don’t live in their parents’ basement, they work in Uncle Sam’s septic tank.

  3. This is the “truth” they’ve been telling each other for do long that they can no longer believe there can be any other truth.

  4. In a conversation with a TDS afflicted family member, verbatim his beef with The Donald was, “People. Are. Hurting!”. No exemplar, no Trump did this, so that pain followed. It was as if the very act of breathing my family member’s air by That Awful Trump, was painful.

    So I can hope.

  5. $15,162 per year to put your kid thru Fresno State, which is a bargain. But then this is the quality of the faculty he/she will be getting. As Trump would say: Sad!

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