NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) — After another tragic weekend of gun violence, including the death of a 1-year-old, two members of the Black community called on the NYPD to bring back the recently disbanded Anti-Crime Unit to help get guns off the street.

It was a dramatic moment — Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams holding up a pair of baby shoes Monday after a 1-year-old became the latest victim of gun violence, caught in the crossfire at a family barbecue just hours before.

“Babies are not supposed to be wearing these in a coffin,” Adams said.

In Wake Of Continued Gun Violence, Prominent Members Of Black Community Call On NYPD To Bring Back Anti-Crime Unit

Karma is worse than the IRS. It never fails to collect its due and sometimes the payment is harsh and cruel.

But truthfully, they do not need NYPD to reinstate the Anti crime unit.  Nope, what they need to do is to get the best and brightest of the Black Lives Matter intelligentsia to investigate and have their tens of thousands of followers in the city to seek and capture the killers so they can be turned in to the Judiciary.

But Miguel, they bad guys have guns!”

Well shit, so do the cops and BLM has had no problem facing them, right? A couple of killers should be an easy task to accomplish.

But they may kill us!”

So? Weren’t you guys just screaming you willingness to sacrifice for the greater good a couple of weeks ago? Or was it all jus political theater? Do Black Lives truly matter of not? Does the life of the baby in the picture above truly mattered?

Time to put your ass out there and paid the checks issued with your collective mouths.

Go find the killers, you righteous fighters for the good of the People.  Go fund the killers, oh exalted members of the BLM Knighthood.

We shall wait for results while we much on popcorn.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

8 thoughts on “Unhappy Karma Hits NYC. Calls to Bring Back Anti-Crime Unit.”
  1. Can’t have it both ways, you NYC commie douchebags. Y’all wanted this, so bend over and smile cuz karma is going in dry.

    Pass the popcorn. 😀

  2. Typical actions o a child/toddler/leftist.

    It isn’t perfect, it must be torn down and replaced.
    Whoops, the new thing sucks even worse! What do we do now?

    1. It is entirely unfair to compare children, especially toddlers, to leftists, and I will have to ask you to not insult toddlers that way.

  3. This is what happens when you are okay with, for instance, “cute” behavior in a puppy. If you don’t want to see that behavior (e.g. nipping) in a full-grown 90-lb German Shepherd, you have to let the cute little puppy know it’s not acceptable from the start.

    Where were these community leaders when this crap was being initially bandied about? Why did they let it grow to this before saying “You know…”? They might not have been able to fully head it off, but at least being on the record as opposing some of this crap early, would have lended to credibility now.

  4. They’re cowards, plain and simple. They’re willing to “bravely” face down armed police because they know the police operate under a strict set of rules.

    Rules that, regardless of the political rhetoric, do NOT allow the wanton killing of black people, and the “protesters” and race-baiters damn well know it.

    All told, it’s safe — both politically and physically — to attack police.

    On the other hand, armed criminals have no such rules. Going after them is dangerous! You could get killed! Going after criminals is a job best left to professionals paid and trained to do just that!

    [snark] Any idea where we could find someone like that? [/snark] *smh*

    It’s not any different than gun-prohibitionists “standing up to the gun lobby” (i.e. attacking peaceable gun owners) to “end gun violence”. They damn well know we’re not the problem any more than the police, but going after us is safer than going after the actual criminals, and they can say they “did something”.

    That both scenarios move them further from their stated goals never seems to bother them. It’s almost as if they have other, unstated goals in mind. Or something.

    1. Sing to the tune used by Sir Robin’s minstrel in Monty Python and the Holy Grail:

      Brave BLM ran away
      Bravely ran away away
      When danger reared its ugly head
      They bravely turned their tails and fled
      Brave BLM turned about
      And gallantly they chickened out
      Bravely taking to their feet
      They beat a very brave retreat
      Bravest of the brave, BLM

      (Substitute “Antifa” for “BLM” as circumstances dictate 😉 )

  5. Make up your minds, NYC assholes. Either you want the police or not.

    This ain’t the way to win the popos or the community over to your side of the argument. This visual alone tells me that y’all don’t care for each other or the folks trying to protect you, so why in the 9 circles of hell should the rest of country give a flying fuck about y’all.


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