I had mentioned that Venezuela is suffering a shortage of medicines and medical supplies because the government owns upwards of six billion dollars (yes, that is the amount) to Pharma and Medical companies across the world.

Now, Socialism in Venezuela has not cured all ailments (it has actually increased them) so people still need treatment and medication, so what to do? The government will not allow NGO donation of medicines to reach the people, because that screws them twofold: It would be an admission that they failed to provide care and healthy people can rise against the government.

There is a brisk business of small and medium size companies sending stuff to Venezuela bought by relatives living abroad. It usually takes a couple of weeks to get there (via ship, container) and I figure they have their ways to make sure Venezuelan Customs looks the other way or does not probe too deeply and charge taxes on “luxury items” which is pretty much everything they don’t like or do not steal.

One of the shipping companies I used in the past keeps sending me emails and the latest arrived today with a list of items that are now officially verbotten by the Maduro government. Some are old and go without saying (weapons and anything that can be used as projectiles or to propel projectiles like slingshots, any kind of knife, etc) protection equipment such a Kevlar and any type of gas masks, face shields and even those cute goggles used in swimming, anything related to baseball, machetes (?) and more stuff.

The stuff that surprised me was the medical stuff. Basic antibiotic creams, asthma medication, digestives, etc. I figure some have a secondary use to withstand or treat CS gas and pepper spray attack, but how much can it do?

Here is the list with some notations.

Socialist are sick mother ****ers.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

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