Not only the dumbass can’t report the truths, she can’t do math. A full day I seem to recall is 24 hours.

Clicking on this link will take you to a tweet where both photos are clearly showing the dates and times for the declaration of emergency. The governor signed at 5:32 pm, 59 minutes after the Mayor of Miami Dade County signed hers.

Ms. Dreier has not corrected her tweet or even apologized for the lie misinformation yet and it has been way more than 24 hours from her posting.

It is the WaPo. We kind of expect this level of political bullshit and we know more will be forthcoming.



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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

12 thoughts on “WaPo joins the DeSantis Derangement Syndrome orgy”
  1. Former AP Correspondent for Venezuela.

    She didn’t see Nothing! Everything was Bright and Glorious in the Bolivaran Revolution, except for those icky reactionary business owners.

  2. She needs to learn that some people will see her sweatshirt saying “PRESS” and not only not give her deference and access because of it, but will use it as a target.

    Not saying that they should do this, mind you, just that one can see their point.

  3. I said it earlier:

    The highest ranking Republican is always to blame.


    If Trump was still in the White House, the story would have been about how FEMA didn’t roll on scene within 20 minutes, and part of the story would be “FEMA’s delays were exacerbated by DeSantis’ late declaration of emergency.”

  4. Another, stupid, deranged, communist lying stink hole.
    No more, No LESS.

    As for Pravda on the Potomac.
    They will never change. Just another Propaganda Rag, lime the NYT, USA today, etc etc etc

  5. Yessiree-bob! Any time I need “emergency management” expertise, why, I simply dial up Hannah Drier, and she will flood me with her emergency management expertise!

    “there’s a saying in emergency management: the first 24 hours is the only 24 hours”.

    (a) I call bullshit. FEMA is in no way, shape, manner or form organized to put high heels on the ground within 24 hours. (yes, I said “high heels” not “boots”, because that strikes me as her speed)

    (b) what you need RFN, is firefighters, medics, cops, and heavy equipment: all of which any fire department in existence longer than 6 months has lined up. It’s called mutual aid, and is NOTHING NEW!

    I betcha her gun expertise ranks up there with her “emergency management” expertise.

    Still wont shut her pie hole, however.

  6. She’s making it up, like the professional journalist she pretends to be. I’ve been involved in emgmt for years and never heard “The first 24 hours are the only 24 hours” so I googled it. Googling the phrase gives one hit- her.

    Anyone with any FEMA training or experience knows that you are on your own for the first 48-72 hours, so you better get prepped. After the Cascadia Rising MassEx, they changed their recommendation to TWO WEEKS for people in that area. Depending on the emergency, it could be longer than that for outside help to get there. THAT’S why they spend so much of our money training locals, equipping locals, and encouraging locals, because when SHTF, they won’t be there.

    What FEMA has done is send Urban Search and Rescue assets, and collapse subject matter experts–

    From FEMA’s daily brief—

    3 FEMA LNOs deployed to FL; 1 each from US&R, FIMA, and Region IV
    ▪ MERS personnel/equipment deployed in support of Region IV IMAT
    ▪ US&R:
    ▪ VA-TF2, VA-TF1, & OH-TF1 assets on alert for national-level response
    ▪ Deploying 4 US&R structural engineers and 1 IST Mission Ready Package-Command IST to support the
    management of search and rescue operations (State Request)
    ▪ National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) deployed 6 subject matter experts (SMEs) to investigate
    under the National Construction Safety Team Act (NCST). NIST is operating under its own statutory authorities.
    ▪ USACE: ESF 3 Team Leader, 3 Geotechnical and Structural Safety Specialists, and 2 Debris SME en-route

    This is in addition to 8 state US&R task forces that have deployed already.

    Locals have been doing what they are trained and equipped to do to the best of their ability, because that’s who is available when the call went out….


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