Baltimore City State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby alongside Philadelphia’s District Attorney penned an op-ed in The Washington Post Thursday, denouncing President Donald Trump’s threat to deploy federal agents to their cities.

In the piece, Mosby said, “If President Trump sends militarized federal agents to Baltimore City to attack our citizens by making illegal arrests, kidnapping people, assaulting them, or committing any other crime, they will be prosecuted by my office.”

Federal agents sent to Baltimore will be ‘prosecuted,’ Mosby says

Let us remember that dear Ms. Mosby is the one who charged Baltimore cops  with manslaughter for the death of Freddy Gray unpleasantness five years ago.  The trial for one of the officers ended up with the jury locking up in a split decision and then three bench trials in a row the officers were acquitted, and by a black judge to boot.

And remember we they had riots and arson all over the place with the blessing of the Mayor who told the cops to give the critters space to protest.

Now Baltimore cops are going to be caught between a Leftist rock and a a very Federal hard place: Their immediate bosses (who hates them because they are cops,) will order them to arrest federal officer while they are doing their legal duty risking charges federal charges.  So they either comply with orders and may end up in a federal pen or in a shootout or they get fired by the city for failing to obey (yes, I know it would be an illegal order, but the Baltimore .Gov won’t give a damn.)

The police will be neutralized by the simple fact they do not like the choices presented and probably develop a huge case of Blue Wuhan Flu and have to stay home.

What will be of the city? That will be in the hands of the Governor which probably will have to bring the National Guard again to quell the wide open unrest that is soon to follow.  And if the Governor does bring the troops and decides to go after the Federal agents, you know the White House will federalize the troops and shit will escalate even bigger after that.

OK, I am just woolgathering tin foil.  But remember the Left do not care about lives, only the win. They are still cracking eggs without a decent omelet to show or even basic scrambled eggs.



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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

9 thoughts on “We are in a low-grade Civil War”
  1. I used to laugh when I read reports of Mexican local police storming Federal Judicial Police stations and liberating prisoners, and vice versa. I never thought I’d see it here.

  2. The governors are in for a surprise if they try to use the national guard against federal agents. The national guard is like a toy a older brother lets his little brother use on occasion it wont go against big brother and if governors try to force the issue a lot probably wont show up or they will drive off to get a drink and smokes then not come back. This isn’t being stuck in a foreign country where everyone else hates you, desertion in the US would be a easy and probably common thing in a civil conflict.

  3. Pre-Y2K, my NG unit was going through ‘crowd control’ training JIC something actually did happen. One guy flat out asked “Why should we abandon our families if something happens and come here? ” The office in charge, to his credit, paused for a second and said “That’s a good point. Bring them here. We’ll find room for them. “

  4. First Philadelphia now Baltimore. The Left is starting by challenging the Supremacy Clause. Antifa via the John Brown Gun Club and other going all militia and shooting at federal LEOs is next. They know federal LEOs won’t shoot into a crowd so one guy with a rifle in a sea of protesters could easily ambush the feds and get away.

  5. Of course you’re not seeing omlettes or scrambled eggs.

    Marxists are far better at breaking things other people made, than making things themselves.

  6. The idea of embattled, despised city police arresting Federal officers for doing the job they aren’t allowed to do is laughable. Vile racist Mosby and that Bolshevik piece of shit in Philadelphia are delusional.

  7. The funny thing is that they are cutting off the branch they need to take over the country- the power of the Federal government.
    If they were thinking and actually planning, they would push their myrmidons away from a revolutionary mindset, and towards the classic Good German model of “argue, but obey!”.

  8. If Baltimore govt is like pretty much anywhere else, Mosby is officially full of sh**. She doesn’t command police. She can’t hire them or fire them. She can threaten to prosecute all she likes, but the police can – and probably will – tell her to pound sand.

    This is nothing but political grandstanding for her “woke” constituency. There is little chance she will have to put up.

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