Under Texas law, open carrying a rifle is not illegal as long as the gun is not loaded.

But San Antonio police Chief William McManus told KENS-TV that gun owners can still be charged with disorderly conduct if anyone feels threatened at any point during a demonstration. In other words, if anyone around you is uncomfortable with firearms, you could technically be charged with a crime.

“It’s a disorderly offense that officers will address accordingly,” the police chief said.

via Men Behind ‘Open Carry’ Demonstration in Texas Charged with Crimes Even Though What They Did Wasn’t Illegal – Here’s How Police Are Justifying It | Video | TheBlaze.com.

I don’t see this arrest holding on in court. Probably a misdemeanor but I would refuse to pay a fine and fight like crazy against jail time.

They don’t want us out in the streets mingling with them. they want us invisible, in our ghettos or preferably gone.

They don’t want us using public transportation, not even the back of the bus.

They don’t want us going to the coffee shops or eat at their lunch counters.

They want signs to be put up saying we are not welcome inside, only the selected group approved by them can partake of the location.

And when we have the cojones to exercise our rights, we are accused of being uppity and call for the law to “put us back in our place.”

We are “different.” They have the “scientific studies” that prove we are somehow inferior, dangerous, immoral, uneducated buffoons that should not mix with the good folks.

We need to be controlled, segregated, brought under the heel for our sake and the sake of the good folks.

For them we are just Three Fifths.

They better see the light soon.



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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

15 thoughts on “We are Just Three-Fifths.”
  1. I read a lot of these type stories lately and it seems to badly tarnish Texas reputation as a gun friendly state. Texans should stand up and make some changes here to make it apparent which side they fall on.

  2. Unfortunately, since jobs and affordable living are available in Texas, many people with no appreciation for liberty and self determination are moving from gun ban states to Texas. Their numbers are increasing, they whine loudly, and they are creating the same poisonous political climate which destroyed their previous state of residence.
    The local newspaper minutes of city council meetings show a continuing encroachment of nanny-state thinking and city ordinances.

  3. Actually, the report is wrong. Open carry of handguns is prohibited in Texas, but the law on long guns is that they can not be carried in a threatening manner. Loaded or not does not matter. Since they have chosen to use such a subjective test (what is threatening to someone may not be to another), this type of situation is rife for abuse by the gun haters.

  4. “We need to be controlled, segregated, brought under the heel for our sake and the sake of the good folks.”

    Shades of segregation. What would MLK say???

  5. Longtime Chicago Tribune writer Mike Royko once said disorderly conduct is a Police officers way of never having to say “I was wrong”.

  6. Rights are rights regardless of how they make someone “feel.” Just because it makes someone feel uncomfortable does not make it a crime…otherwise, it would still be illegal for a white man and a black woman to hold hands in public. Or a white man and a black man to hold hands in public. Or for Joe Biden to be VP. I could go on…

    1. Joe Biden is VP because if Obama had selected Hillary Clinton, within a week of his inauguration, he would have died from a sudden onset of “Mysterious Circumstances.”

  7. the police in the whole state of texas need to be trained in obeying the ‘law’ and when complained to by ignorant citizens..the POLICE should take the time to explain the ‘LAW’ as written in texas….if the REPUBLIC of TEXAS falls so will this nation…semper fi

  8. Ya’ll are acting as if the cops do not support the 2nd Ammendment. They just do not support an unstable person walking down the street, with a loaded rifle, and going into the nearest movie theater, school, or church, and shooting innocents. You have to admit; there are better ways to promote and support the 2nd Ammendment.

    1. I know better than that. I also know that there are a very small segment of cops that do resent civilians having guns and feel they are interlopers on their State-Given Powers. And some cops just do not know better about the law or possible consequences.

      1. So….How do you propose that the cop knows that you’re just a goo ol’ boy exercising his civil rights? How does he know that you’re not a convicted felon going to commit an additional felony. Or that you’re mentally distrubed, and that you’re going to just start shooting at random. If you can advise me on how to become psychic, and meke that determination at a glance…I would GREATLY appreciate it. And cops do not have ANY issues with civilians with firearms using them properly. They know that they, (cops), can’t be everywhere that trouble starts.

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