Click here for the picture…once again GRAPHIC CONTENT.

Here is the story according to the source:

We all laugh and think of how stupid one must be when we see a self inflicted gun shot. I don’t know exactly what the **** happened but I do know the outcome. I had a ruger LCR357 discharge through my left hand. I did not have my fingers in the trigger guard or on the trigger. It was time for the lcr to be cleaned. So I cupped my hand and went to open the cylinder and bang. The damn thing went off. I kept as calm as someone who had just been shot could be. Called 911 and the wife. Thank God my two year old was in a safe place.
I just wanted to let you all know that even the safe and knowledgeable can make mistakes and bad **** can happen. Stay safe and God bless you all
It was a critical defense jhp from Hornady

They are called the Four RULES of Gun Safety, not the Four SUGGESTIONS of Gun Safety.

And unless proven, I don’t buy the “I did not have my booger hook in the bang stick” explanation.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

15 thoughts on “What a .357 Magnum does to a hand (Graphic Content)”
  1. Once a M16A4 discharged on me. I was in the shooting tunnel and about to release the magazine when a round discharged. It’s a spectacular sight when a tracer strikes the concrete ceiling a couple meters ahead of you – lots of pretty sparks.
    I had the trigger finger on the magazine release so there was no way that I could have fired the rifle.

    There`s a saying: “Once a year even a broom shoots.”

  2. Reminds me of the young man on YouTube that shot himself through the thigh while drawing a 1911 .45 from the holster………they do not just “went off”…….. 🙁

  3. It could have been a soft primer and a *lot* of gritty dirt in exactly the wrong spot. Seems like shorter cleaning intervals are called for.

  4. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. I’m not buying the “I wasn’t touching the trigger” claim either.

    What is more likely, a miracle or a violation of rule three in addition to the obvious violations of rules 1,2 and 4?

  5. Riiight… Ever notice that negligent discharges only magically happen when someone is touching the firearm?

  6. Does anyone ever hear an empty gun go “click” when they’re not touching the trigger? Accidental releases of the hammer/striker must be caused by the presence of ammunition, clearly.

  7. Man he really mist have been man handling that thing, the trigger pull has got to be like 10lbs, don’t buy the it just went off. Maybe he had it cocked for some exceedingly stupid and unknown reason.

  8. A Ruger LCR is a double action only revolver. It can’t even be cocked and left cocked. There is no way you can get an LCR to go off without pulling the trigger unless you played with the trigger pull to get the internal hammer to stay hung up some way, I have to call BS on this post.

  9. Don’t know about the A4, but the M16’s we were issued long ago would fire if you slapped the butt. The were mid ’60’s, early manufacture POS One of the first things the instructors told us at basic was to be careful of accidental discharges from that issue.

  10. A M16A4 is just a M16 with a heavyier barrel and a fancy rail on top. A little more chrome on the inside but that`s it.
    The thing is that many individuals handle just a handful of guns in their lifetime – they may be touching other guns or firing a few rounds out of a couple more guns… but not enough to “get to know” the gun.

    Just because it didn`t happen to you doesn`t mean that it can`t happen.

  11. 1) Who opens the cylinder on a snubby by placing his hand over the muzzle.
    2) Since this idiot cannot be trusted with his LCR, I am happy to take it off (what he has left of) his hands and add it to my collection of snubbies.

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