Contrast this reaction with the instant and so tediously predictable blind rage spewed by the world’s liberal celebrities on social media before, during and after the address.
From my own unofficial poll – i.e. my own eyes on Twitter – I’d say 99% of them were so furious at the speech they could barely think straight…

…On and on it went, with these stars and many more assuming America agreed with them.
But it turned out the vast majority of Americans DIDN’T agree with them, which suggests they’re no longer listening to what celebrities say about politics or Donald Trump.

For more evidence of this, look at Sunday night’s Grammys that turned into a marathon political rally of epically dreary proportions.
Ratings duly plunged 24% to an all-time low.
Why? Because Americans are sick and tired of entertainers preaching about politics at awards shows, particularly when they’re all preaching from the same liberal Trump-loathing handbook.

The State of the Union stats don’t lie: Americans are turning against Trump-hating celebrities and buying into the President’s American dream – THAT’S a nightmare for Democrats’

I just have to go with this:

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

4 thoughts on “When even Piers Morgan sees the obvious.”
    1. I’ve heard that sometimes peoples’s personalities change when they’ve suffered brain damage.

      I wonder if he had a stroke and the liberal part of the his brain died.

  1. “…Americans are sick and tired of entertainers preaching about politics at awards shows, particularly when they’re all preaching from the same liberal Trump-loathing handbook.”

    Hail king of the obvious. Give that man a kewpie doll. 😀

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