By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

7 thoughts on “When you try to out-do others, you may end up looking stupid.”
  1. The Rolling Stone is there with The Simpsons, Madonna, Saturday Night Live, and week old sushi left in the back of the fridge.

  2. I am seriously disappointed in you Miguel.

    Where is the GIF from Starship Troopers where the trooper is saying “I’m doing my part.” it would be perfect here.

      1. Fascinating new tech there Rob. Someone called a “screenwriter” reads the book, and turns it into a “movie” or “TV” script. Then actors pretend they are the characters in the book, while being filmed or videotaped. And… the book is now video…

        Sorry dude, had to poke some fun right back at you. By the way, the 1997 film of Starship Troopers is, in my humble opinion, absolute crap. Total garbage, and despite a few good scenes, not worth the time watching.

        1. I’ve heard the urban legend about such things as the film adaptation of “Starship Troopers”, an all female remake of “Ghostbusters”, or sequels to “Aliens”, or that there was other new Star Wars films after “Rogue One”, but I don’t believe any of it.

          And links to IMDB, film review sites, or even to Mr. Plinkett’s Red Letter Media reviews are just part of a mass delusion. It never happened- NEVER!!!!!

          1. What is this “Rogue One?”

            I thought the Star Wars saga ended when the Ewoks showed up? At least it did for me.

            1. It’s something they snuck in when Kathleen Kennedy wasn’t looking, and something that gave people the false hope that Disney would make films that didn’t suck.

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