Robert Reich was the Secretary of Labor under President Clinton.

He Tweeted this:

This is a sentiment echoed more forcefully by Bill Maher and Richard Engel of NBC News.

I am not a socialist.

I have no desire to eat the rich out of envy for what they have.

I do not subscribe to the politics of greed.

Men like Reich, Maher, and Engel are very wealthy and well-connected people.

A recession that puts hundreds of thousands of working-class men and women out of work, a recession that shutters factories, a recession that causes the middle class to lose their 401(k)’s and go underwater on their houses does not hurt them.

I would hope that the Liberal elite want a good economy as much as the rest of us.

However, if the Liberal elite were to scuttle the economy, causing a downturn and the pain and suffering that goes along with it just to sour people on Trump, I am happy to make them feel the pain that they caused to the rest of us.

Before I let my truck get repossessed in an economic downturn, I will sell off all of Maher’s stuff on eBay and Craigslist.

Celebrity wristwatch collection.  Used.  Good condition.  There might still be some gray matter splattered on the bezel.  

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By J. Kb

6 thoughts on “Where I start join in on “eat the rich””
  1. This “If the peasants have no bread, let them eat cake” attitude is what cost Marie Antionette her head. While Americans don’t have a tradition of building guillotines in the public square, we do have a tradition of hot tar, feathers and rails (some assembly required).

  2. OK, I understand the left does not like Trump. I am not the world’s biggest fan either.


    Can someone please demonstrate to me how Trump is the boogey man the left is making him out to be? Racist? How? Sure, enforcing the borders, and vetting visitors from countries that are openly hostile to the US may put the magnifying glass disproportionately on a subset of the human race (hispanics or muslims), but the President is only enforcing the law. Womanizer? Please. Not any worse than any other bigwig.

    Cultivating a culture of hatred? Only if you subscribe to the left’s definition of hate. (Does not openly celebrate _______ means you hate it.) I guess Trump hates transgenders and gays because he does not attend their pride parades, or worse (GASP! The HORROR!) he might actually support a businesses when they refuse to serve a customer.

    So… please explain, and take as many words as you need to, how Trump is going to ruin the country? Anyone…. Anyone????

    1. The left has decided (back in the Clinton days) that accusing their opponents of vile motives and character traits helps them. Some of them, like Al Sharpton, have turned this into a way to get rich without doing real work.
      The fact that it’s all a lie is, to them, entirely irrelevant. Just as honor and truth is irrelevant to communists.

    2. Donald Trump was actually supporting Gay Rights and Gay Equality long before Hillary, Barack, and Slow Joe. He was a builder in NYC, and dealt with architects, designers and everyone in the NYC Art World, including straights, gays, and everyone in between. He later became a reality TV star and dealt with everyone in the TV and broadcast world.

      If he was homophobic, don’t you think someone would have said something in the Forty Years he was in Manhattan? He was a well respected New Yorker right up until he dared to ride down an escalator and announce he was a Republican running for President.

      He instantly became an evil, racist, homophobic, patriarchal, nazi in less than five minutes.

      My favorite is when they call him anti-semitic; the man with three Jewish Grandchildren. The man who moved the US Embassy to Jerusalem Israel.

      1. I’ve heard this joke before:

        Why do liberal Jews hate Donald Trump?

        He has something they don’t, Jewish grandkids.

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