You remember this video from a previous post?

I have no nice words fore willful stupidity and lies

I guess there were more than  one propaganda maker in Wauwatosa last night.

This what indoctrination looks like.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

5 thoughts on ““Who are you gonna believe? Me or your cheating eyes?””
  1. Businesses were damaged, but no damage to residences according to FreeMoni. It appears that FreeMoni (Free Money?) is OK with businesses being destroyed. Not sure what difference it makes other than admitting that suburban neighborhoods are being targeted won’t play well with swing voters in November.

  2. The elected Dems in Wisconsin should be shown what it’s like at night to have car horns, rocks and bright lights on their homes

  3. “There have been no reports” she says. Except the report that you just read, which you are denying. What do they think a “report” is? How does one define “a report”? Because you haven’t heard any of your BLM buddies openly bragging about doing it, it didn’t happen? Because “word on the streets” doesn’t mention it? Because there are no official police reports of rocks being thrown through windows, and local media didn’t mention it? Never mind that if the local reporter wasn’t THERE and no one calls them up and TELLS them, they won’t report it (aside from other reasons they might not mention it). If people take your BLM rhetoric too seriously and refuse to call the police even if rocks came through the window, lest they endanger some persons of color by getting police involved (or fear further retribution), they will just sweep up the glass and fix the window. No reports involved (it happened to our house once when I was a kid, looking back I suspect it was a disgruntled tenant of my father’s, but he said at the time he had no idea). You are looking at a report, made by a person who was standing there watching it and filming it. What, they took video of some OTHER rioters throwing rocks through windows and mis titled it? Or they staged it all and had actors throw rocks through some windows so they could blame BLM (that would be an ironic reversal of the usual hoax situation).

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