Maybe because what this little graphic is telling us:

Click to enlarge

Daily deaths in the US went down. You will notice that the date of May 15 is showing and I did that for a reason: It was mid May when several stated started to reduce or eliminate the pandemic restrictions. We were told and sworn over the headstones of deceased mothers than  2 weeks later, the hospitals would be filled to the gills and bodies would start to pile up in morgues and sporting arenas across the county. We are now in the second week of July, not 15 days later but 50 days later waiting for the people to dies in mass.

It did not happen.

People are fessing up to the obvious power grab. It is one thing when did not the potency of the virus and who it could affect & kill. but unfortunately for those interested in making political hay, people does not maintain the ignorance for long.

When you come out and say that going to the park and at the beach to celebrate the Fourth of July is irresponsible and will only help to kill more people, but at the same times tens of thousands gathering in the streets in tight quarters to protest has no danger whatsoever and to think otherwise is a sure sign you are a racist that don’t care, people are going to say Eff You and ignore anything else you have to say.

Yesterday I had a small procedure done, thankfully at the doctor’s office. Before going there, I was given the full instructional about cleanliness of the location, disinfecting the hands and wearing the silly mask to keep us all alive and stuff.  Going back and forth, I saw that most people out on the street were pretty much ignoring the mandatory mask orders issued for Broward and Miami-Dade.  The exceptions? Seniors which is the smart thing to do as they are the most affected for the virus. Why would a 21 year old woman jogging with nobody close to her needs to wear a frigging mask for? Homeowner mowing the lawn in the front yard needs a mask? Hell no.  And for the love of Aries, if you are in your car doing 45 mph and the windows up and the Ac at full blast, you really do not need the mask.

We are just tired of the bullshit. We will try to get away with shit whenever we can because that is what we do as Americans.

And just because it bothered somebody yesterday, here is the pic of the mask with closed captions again.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

4 thoughts on “Why are they trying to sell that Death by Wuhan V. is not the worse that can happen”
  1. It’s like y’all said the other day: According to the Democrat Media, death by Covid-19 is not the worst thing that could happen.

    No, the worst thing that could happen is Trump’s re-election by a majority of voters (not just electoral college votes).

    That is the outcome they are working to prevent at all costs.

    With due respect (not much at all) to Stalin: A single Covid-19 death is a tragedy. A million Covid-19 deaths is a statistic. A million Covid-19 deaths that prevents Trump’s re-election is a worthwhile sacrifice.

    (And yes, the cynical side of me suspects NY Governor Cuomo released Covid-19 into nursing homes in part because older Americans tend to vote more conservative than younger Americans. He’s just cementing Democrat rule in his state. Call it a morbid form of gerrymandering.)

    1. You might be onto something with your last paragraph, though I suspect it may have been more to reduce medicare costs for the state by killing off as many recipients as possible. I bring this up and people are incredulous. They project their own morality and human decency onto Andrew Cuomo, and make statements like “there’s no way he’d do such a thing!”. I then remind them that at the tail end of the Obama administration, Cuomo traveled to Cuba to rub shoulders with Raul Castro and pour admiration on him. Cuomo isn’t a Federal official. He had nothing to gain by this, nor could he influence American policy on Cuba. He did it because ideologically and ethically, he’s the exact same as a murderous dictator. Cuomo just happens to live in America at a time when laws preventing him from lining up and executing his political opponents still exist. Stay tuned on that. Leftists – all of them – would gleefully kill those who stand up to them. So for him to kill off a bunch of people who wouldn’t vote for the Demo–I mean Communist party isn’t really a stretch.

      1. No reason both can’t be true. Reduce the costs of caring for older people, while strengthening the Home Party rule? To someone motivated to gain and keep power, that’s a win-win.

  2. Had a bit of an epiphany earlier.

    What is the main thing that a communist state, like China, wants? Total allegiance to the state. In order to get that, they have to break down familial and friend relationships. They have to break down personal interactions. Your only friend is the State. You cannot trust anyone else.

    And, here we are, COVID-19 land, where….
    You cannot get physically close to people,
    You cannot go into the office to work
    You have to isolate from family members that do interact with the public
    No more dining out
    No more haircuts
    No more anything….
    Heck, the tinpot dictator mayor of my town is talking about closing parks and trails to prevent the spread to the homeless.

    China had that social network were you got party points for demonstrating how loyal you are to the Party. That included extra bonus points for ratting out friends/neighbors. That was pure unadulterated deviousness. Had they of just released the Wuhan Flu instead, it would have been cheaper.

Only one rule: Don't be a dick.

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