Miguel had to tone me down a little bit.

His blog, his rules, no hard feelings, and I’m sorry to him that I put him in that position.

If it seems like I went off the deep end, I probably did, but it’s not without good cause.

What I am witnessing unfold before us is the worst combination of two of the worst defining moments in 20th Century history.

Like Maya Angelou said: “when someone shows you who they are, believe them.”

So when voices in BLM say “kill all white people,” I believe them.

When Antifa says “kill all cops” and “kill the gentrifiers,” I believe them.

What I am hearing is reminiscent if not verbatim of what Hitler said about the Jews and Lenin said about the Kulaks.  Only replace “Jews” with “white people” and “Kulaks” with “gentrifiers.”

Watching the news is like a mirror back into time, watching Hitler and his Brownshirts in 1932 or Lenin and his Cheka in 1916.  Just before they came to power.  When it was rhetoric and thug violence.

At the time nobody thought that two of the great powers of Europe could fall, but weakened by war, social unrest, a bad economy, and a pandemic, they did and were replaced by National Socialism in Germany and Soviet Communism in Russia.

That’s where we are today.

War in Iraq and Afghanistan sapping our resources, social unrest, a bad economy, and a pandemic, with Socialists, Marxists, and Communists engaging in thug violence in our streets.

What happens if they win?  I’ve seen this before.

As a straight, white, Republican, Jewish, man, making North of $100K per year, me and my family will not survive.

Knowing the history of the 20th Century, I do not want to see the first cattle car full of gentrifiers hauled off to a concentration camp, the first crematorium turned on to dispose of the bodies of police, or the first slave labor camp full of Trump voters worked to death in the blazing desert sun to create a Green New Deal solar farm of bones.

That is what is coming if they win.

Remember, most Germans were not Nazis and most Russians were not card carrying members of the Communist Party, but a powerful and violent minority managed to control the country and cause the deaths of millions.

So if I’ve gone off the deep and its only because I know where this is going and I rather nip it in the bud.


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By J. Kb

6 thoughts on “Why I went off the deep end”
  1. Well, props for admitting you might have gone too far.
    Tyranny against the people you don’t is still tyranny, and it has a habit of coming for the people who supported it in the long run.

  2. Time will tell us if you were over the top (my hope), or predicting future events.

    Given the derangement displayed over the past 3+ years, I fear that, if Trump clearly wins, more madness will follow.

    If Biden clearly wins, I fear retaliation, as That Noted Constitutional Scholar, Barack Hussein Seotoro Obama, observed, “Elections have consequences”.

  3. “Remember, most Germans were not Nazis and most Russians were not card carrying members of the Communist Party, but a powerful and violent minority managed to control the country and cause the deaths of millions.”

    How did that happen?
    A compliant media, willingly spreading propaganda.
    Companies and individual providing lip service to the cause rather than risk the consequences, real or implied.
    Enough elected officials that support the “cause” to keep the thugs out of prison.
    And… finally, a bunch of people that just want to be left alone, and who ignore the threat until it is too late.

    History generally repeats itself. Especially when humans are involved.

  4. At the risk of shameless self-promotion… we agree. I too am, visually, as whitebread as you can get. I’ve often commented that absent my kippa I could stroll into a KKK rally and not get a second look.

    But you are correct, and you’ve channeled Elie Wiesel perfectly. The Left has openly stated what their goals are. And we’ve been warned and warned and warned what their plans are (e.g., Larry Grathwohl).

    They’ve been laying the groundwork for a long time – patiently. They may be irrational and crazy, but they’re not stupid. They understand the boiled frog analogy very well.

    Stream-of-consciousness: Fertilizing the soil for genocide

  5. Did I miss a specific post or just your overall tone? I will say you certainly have been getting gradually more extreme but I understand where that is coming from, not a desire for anything sinister, but a desire for preserving the American way of life.

    You know what they say, best intentions and all of that…

    I feel your fears as well, this isn’t some simply I’m afraid of becoming a minority thing, this is I’m afraid I’m going to have to make some very ugly decisions and ally my self with some very distasteful people for my self preservation sort of fears.

    I also understand the frustration, the other side are not engaging within the bounds of American ideals and are simply rejecting them to engage on their own terms. You can’t have a menaingful talk when one side or both simply disregards the other outright because they don’t respect their point of view.

    The crazy part to me for a lot of this is if antifa and blm went about things in a different way, they’d probably have a lot more of us supporting them because there is a lot of overlap on what they want to see done with small government and freedom minded individuals (the marxism and communism not withstanding). They made their message too broad and though they could throw the system out with everyone who isn’t one board still in it and make their own.

    This entire time all these new people being woken up by police brutality and riots etc I’ve been feeling like the buster scruggs meme where James franco is at the gallows for the second time and he looks over at the guy there for the first time who is visibly nervous and says “first time?”

    1. I should add that I appreciate your willingness to write a post about it and reflect upon this matter, it says a lot about your character and integrity. Even if you come to the same conclusions, you’ve done it openly.

      That is the difficulty I face personally, threading the needle between liberty and what is right, and that is becoming more difficult the older I get and the less fucks I have to give to anyone. It is something I and I think we all generally, need to constantly question ourselves on and challenge our thoughts on to make sure we are coming to our conclusions honestly and for the right (liberty) reasons and not anything else.

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