And when you stoop as low as politicize the death of a grandmother, you fucking deserve to lose your jobs and wave cardboard signs at intersections.

Found in 90 miles From Tyranny

“Kristi Noem’s grandmother died in a nursing home hit by COVID-19 as the South Dakota governor continued to downplay the virus,” reads the headline published by Business Insider and re-upped by Yahoo! News.

The story acknowledges that “Arnold tested negative for COVID-19 before her death,” but goes on to focus on Noem’s COVID-19 policies, South Dakota’s rising coronavirus numbers, and the virus-related deaths in the nursing home where Noem’s grandmother resided. The article also criticized Noem’s decision to refuse a state-wide mask mandate.

Scum of the Earth. There is no other way to describe them. There are some things you simply don’t do and this is one of them. But they are the same people who have been taught to wave the bloody shirt of a victims to support their political mandates, so stealing a corpse for the same function is not a stretch for them.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

5 thoughts on “Why people hate Media? Because they are a bunch of lying monsters.”
  1. Wear a mask so covid will go away!! ZOMG!!! Covid is spiking!! Wear amask!! Shut down the world!!! Im glad I dont watch the news

  2. Curiously, Gov Norm evidently actually “killed Gramma” because of Denying Science!(c), yet, actual Gramma died, testing negative.

    I am not a smart man, but one of these things is not like the other.

  3. While the death in the family is always sad, the fact of the matter is that the elderly and unhealthy die of illness all the time. It’s reality and can’t be overcome. It can be nudged here and there, but never undone.

    The wuflu, however, is treated more as politics than an illness. If it weren’t, we’d be hiding behind masks every flu season. So while Gramma passing is unfortunate, it is simply the course of life and should be considered such.

  4. Her grandmother didn’t die of Kung Flu. And the press are evil. And I could use other words but they would fall into the dick catagory.

Only one rule: Don't be a dick.

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